The Creation Story In The Islamic Religion

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The Creation Story In The Islamic Religion

The Creation Story In The Islamic Religion

In Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions, Adam and Eve are the first human couple, the parents of the human race.

A Journey With The God Of The Qur’an

There are two stories in the Bible about their creation. According to the Priestly History (P) of the 5th or 6th century. (Genesis 1:1-2:4), On the sixth day of creation, God created all living things and then man “in his own image.” “. Man and woman.” Then God blessed the couple, told them to ‘be fruitful and multiply’ and gave them power to rule over all other living creatures (7, 2:15-4:1, 4:25), God, or Jehovah, who is the empty earth when he created Adam, formed him from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils “the breath of life,” then God gave Adam the first garden of Eden to cultivate, but he would die. ordered him not to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Later, God created other animals so that Adam would not be alone. But seeing that this was not enough, he put Adam to sleep, removed his rib and created a new friend, Eve. Until Eve allowed herself, the two were innocent people. was tempted by the evil serpent, and Adam joined him in eating the forbidden fruit, after which they confessed their nakedness and clothed themselves with fig leaves. Soon God saw their sin and pronounced their punishment: for the woman childbirth and neck pain for man, and for man cursed is surrendering to the land that one must toil and sweat to earn bread.

Their first children were Cain and Abel. The shepherd Abel loved God and was killed by Cain out of jealousy. Another son, Seth, was born in Abel’s place, and from him came the cattle of two men, Cain and Seth. Adam and Eve had “other sons and daughters” and Adam died at the age of 930.

The story of Adam and Eve is not referenced anywhere else in the Hebrew Bible or the Christian New Testament, except for the genealogical reference in I Chronicles 1:1. The statements cited are from uninspired books (ie, the highly regarded but non-canonical books of the Jews and Protestants; the deuterocanonical books of the Roman Catholics and Orthodox). The story was very popular among writers of pseudepigrapha (that is, non-canonical books of all traditions).

In the Christian New Testament, Adam is a figure of theological importance in Paul’s writings. Paul sees Adam as a forerunner of Christ, “a type of those who are to come” (Romans 5:12). Just as Adam began human life on earth, Christ began a new life for mankind. Death came to all because of Adam’s sin. Through the righteousness of Christ, life is given to all. Therefore, in Paul’s teaching, it is Adam’s sin, not the transgression of the law of Moses, that makes the Gentiles guilty; therefore Jews and Gentiles need the grace of Christ.

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Later Christian theology included the concept of original sin – the sin with which humanity has been bound since the fall of Adam and Eve. This teaching was based on the Pauline text, but was not accepted by a number of sects and Christian interpreters, especially among Christians who considered the story of Adam and Eve to be true and a metaphor for the relationship between God and man.

In the Qur’anic version of the story of Adam and Eve (narrated mainly in Surahs 2, 7, 15, 17 and 20), Allah (Allah) created Adam from clay, but raised him with such knowledge that the angels were commanded to prostrate. in front of him. But Iblis (Satan) tempted both Adam and his “wife” to eat the forbidden fruit in Paradise. Then God sent them to the earth so that their descendants would live there as enemies, but God, in His mercy, gave Adam and his descendants eternal guidance if they obey only Him and not Satan. According to Quranic teachings, Adam’s sin was his only sin and he did not make all people sinners; Adam was responsible for his actions and his descendants.

Later Islamic traditions say that Adam descended from heaven to Sarandib (Sri Lanka) and Eve to Jeddah in Arabia; After 200 years of separation, they met near Mount Arafat and started having children. The first two sons, Cain and Abel, each had a twin sister, and each son married his brother’s sister. Then Cain killed Abel. Then Seth was born without a sister and became the beloved and spiritual heir of Adam (The story of the emergence began with God alone. There was nothing else. The Root of this Universe is God. He is the Power that controls the life paths of everything and everything. .

The Creation Story In The Islamic Religion

Without it, there is nothing in this world. When their people asked them, God’s messengers also testified to this. Allah states in the Qur’an that he is the author and father or mother of all stories.

Creation Ex Nihilo

A reasonable man or woman who thinks a little about the universe and everything in it cannot fail to come to the same conclusion. Everything is explained very well. The human body is one of the most beautiful examples of the beauty of nature. The entire process – from conception to birth, growth and the final stage of human maturity – seems like a miracle in itself. The intro story looks really amazing.

Allah asks in the Qur’an, what do people think that He created from nothing? Or do they have the courage to create themselves, heaven and earth? Allah says that those who make such claims are among those who draw attention.

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Islam can very clearly express the idea that God is responsible for the creation of the universe. There is no single introductory narration, but there are references to many places in the Qur’an. In this case, it is really possible to create an image.

Man And Human Development In Islam

In a hadith narrated by Tirmidhi, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) first explained that there is a very real God. There was nothing in the universe apart from Him. The main thing he created was his throne above the water (also known as “earth”). So these are the first gadgets he created.

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The Prophet (pbuh) narrated in a hadith accompanying the introductory story that the throne (arsh) facing the kursi became a kursi, a type of small ring thrown in the desert. Allah also said in Surah Al-Baqarah that His throne covers all the heavens and the earth.

The Creation Story In The Islamic Religion

From there we will see that the throne, which is very small compared to the throne, is above Heaven and Earth.

God In Islam

The beauty and goodness of ash is beyond our understanding. If the throne, that is, the throne, is somewhat far from our understanding, what about God Himself? There’s no way people can quantifiably understand its magnitude.

The Prophet (pbuh) said that it became a feather created by God after the throne and the water. This was used for the next step, which was to write everything so that it could be done globally.

The Prophet (pbuh) says in a hadith (Abu Dawud) that God commanded to write with a pen. The pen asked what to write about. God commanded him to write down the news of all this so that it would be until the end of the hour. In another hadith, the Prophet (pbuh) says that before God created the heavens and the earth, he determined a measure of up to 50,000 years (Sahih Muslim).

Lawh al-Mahfuz is also called the “preserved pill” and contains a critical region in the Advent story. When God decreed the degrees of all things, the pen wrote them. The pill is “stored” because it cannot be changed. These are all events that have happened or are happening

God’s Prophets In The Quran: The Creation Of Prophet Adam Part 1

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