Review Amazon Flex Driver

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Review Amazon Flex Driver

Review Amazon Flex Driver

From robbery targets to confrontational customers, 4 Amazon delivery drivers talk about scary things during peak season.

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Dog bites, sprained ankles and dealing with grumpy customers are just part of the Amazon delivery driver’s job. Many employees deliver in rural areas and must travel on winding, gravel or dirt roads. Others deliver multiple 50-pound packages to the same five-story building every day.

But as the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer (and darker), Amazon’s delivery drivers must deal with various dangers and safety issues.

In recent months, several delivery drivers across the country have been kidnapped and held at gunpoint for the contents of their vehicles. Many drivers are scared and worried about the new dangers they face when delivering packages during the winter.

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He worked for 10 months and experienced the physical labor of giving birth to Amazon that can take a toll on his body, like a dislocated knee from a 10-hour shift.

Delivery drivers like Smith, who drive larger trucks, get in and out of their cars more than 200 times and can walk up to 10 miles a day.

“The fear, or even the reality, that your van could be broken into, a package stolen or the very possibility of kidnapping is just one of the dangers that exist at this time of year,” he said. “As for me, there were times on my journey when I saw the same car a few blocks behind me or parked in front of me. I thought it might be a platform robber following me down the road and stealing a package behind me. Or someone from up there. mind.”

Review Amazon Flex Driver

Smith said since the UPS driver was kidnapped at gunpoint in Portland, he and many of his colleagues have been “tense” while on the road.

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Many of Amazon’s vans have backup cameras that activate even when the van is not in reverse, and Smith uses the display to monitor the vehicle’s surroundings.

“I know the holidays make people desperate. Add to that the massive unemployment we’re seeing and people just barely getting by because of COVID, I think right now there are a lot of reasons why people are hurting financially,” Smith said. . He said.

Smith said he stays awake at work by locking his van when he leaves and keeping his personal cell phone handy at all times. Recognizing that you are a target is the first step to preparing for possible future incidents, he said.

“You’ve got to keep your head up, you’ve got to use technology, you’ve got to try to protect yourself and just realize there’s nothing in the van worth living,” Smith said. “Give me the keys, give me the official phone and ask me to leave.”

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Angel Rajal, 26, lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, and has worked for Amazon for four years.

He worked in a warehouse, then became a delivery driver. He switched to shipping in June 2020 and realized he enjoyed the experience of meeting customers more than working in a distribution center packing packages.

Review Amazon Flex Driver

On one occasion, Rajal saw the same car with two women following him a little behind. As the car approached quickly, he saw that the back seat of the car was full of chocolate packages, like Amazon, and he got worried.

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“At first I thought they had Flex drivers, but they didn’t have Amazon stickers or vests, they didn’t have anything,” Rajal said. “So I notified the police and I think I can get him, but I’m not sure.”

The second time Rajal saw him follow him, he was in the community of the gate and he kept the same young man walking back and forth from where he had just been sent.

“I’ll see him looking around the corner when I drop off the package,” he said. – And when I went to the next station, he returned to the same house and then I realized that he was looking for a package.

Amazon has a strict policy against delivery drivers carrying guns while on the job, even if the drivers have concealed carry permits, Rajal explained to Business Insider. guns, I can lose my job.

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(Editor’s note: Both Rajal and Smith work through a delivery company with which Amazon has a delivery contract and are not considered Amazon employees.)

Rajal said he felt pretty safe during the winter, but now that he knows the pandemic is getting worse and many families are suffering economically, it’s important to “always check your back.”

“Every time I’m on the road, when I’m working, I try to be careful, I’m careful not to be approached from behind while I’m in front looking for packages, I’m careful not to be approached from the west. cars that stop me,” said Rajal. “It’s a daily concern because anyone can pull a gun or a knife on you at any time.”

Review Amazon Flex Driver

Flex drivers are similar to delivery drivers, except that they use their own vehicles, are not engaged through a delivery partner (DSP), and are paid on a “batch” basis.

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Series are usually given in “blocks” of three hours and contain a certain number of packages at a certain rate. According to Harbaugh, most Flex series are available in the evening, and as the days get shorter in the winter, many shifts are delivered almost entirely in the dark.

Harbaugh delivered to everyone in the Portland metro area, including rural areas of southern Washington. He said he had to deliver it to a house with a long dirt road and a “private property” sign.

He was also repeatedly approached by customers asking what he was doing on the property, and once approached by a man with a rifle slung over his shoulder and asked who he was.

Since Harbaugh is a Flex driver, he drives his personal vehicle, but he also wears an Amazon vest.

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Harbaugh recalled an incident where delivery drivers were told to put a package in the back door. The night Harbaugh came home. He tried to open the door, but no one was home. As he walked through the yard, he saw a “big window” in the house and a family, including two small children, eating dinner at the table.

Both children were in shock, Harbaugh said. “They started screaming and then mom grabbed the kids and dad started screaming at me as he stormed out the back door. I was wearing a vest and I said, ‘I’m an Amazon!’ and he said, ‘I don’t care who you are, what are you doing in my yard?’

She then showed me the phone with the delivery instructions and the guy quickly sat down and apologized.

Review Amazon Flex Driver

“After that, I sat in the car and cried. I had adrenaline and I cried a few times, and then I thought, ‘Okay, I’m okay.'”

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The 32-year-old software engineer went through an ‘extremely stressful’ interview process at Amazon – but turned down an offer of $167,006. So they decide that other things are more important than money, without burning bridges.

King has been a Flex driver for almost two years and has also driven for Lyft and Uber. He started working as a Flex driver only at the beginning of the pandemic because he was worried about his safety if there were other people in the car.

King’s primary concern as a Flex driver was delivering shipments after dark and during extreme weather conditions. Some areas in Washington and Oregon get heavy snow and rain during the winter, so the king decided to put snow tires on his car to deal with potential problems while on the road.

“I don’t want to look like a random person. I want to look like I’m from Amazon, so I wear things that are very visible, so I’m not running around in a black hoodie, and I do that on Dobro, I want to stand out as much as possible so that people could watch me,” King said.

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Drivers like King deliver mostly in the evening

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