Related: Aws Instance Types

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Related: Aws Instance Types – Start practicing some interesting guided AWS project ideas with source code that will add value to your resume in 2023.

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is the world’s leading and widely used cloud platform, with more than 200 complete services available from data centers around the world. This blog presents the most unique and innovative AWS projects from beginner to advanced level. These AWS project ideas will give you a better idea about different AWS tools and their business applications.

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Related: Aws Instance Types

With over 1 million active enterprise customers, 8K AWS partner network members, 1900+ third-party software products, and over 70 million hours spent by its customers on Amazon Marketplace – AWS is a name in the cloud computing industry. Amazon Web Services was launched in July 2002 with the primary goal of managing online retail transactions from the existing Amazon Cloud platform. Today, AWS offers more than 200 complete services in 18 geographies. You can access these services for free or for a nominal fee using an AWS Free Tier account. AWS generated $18 billion in revenue in 2017 and has grown exponentially since then. Here is a quick overview of AWS to understand the cloud platform and its services before getting into the technical aspects of how to optimize any AWS service and build some awesome AWS projects.

Amazon Web Services

AWS is a secure cloud computing platform that provides cloud computing, database, networking, content storage, etc. distributor. AWS provides customers with enhanced flexibility and security. Core infrastructure is developed to meet the security requirements for the various applications developed using the Services and Platforms. As illustrated in the diagram below, AWS offers a wide range of services categorized into different types and categories.

AWS projects have a wide range of applications. AWS can create real-time projects and quickly deploy them for basic to advanced applications. Any cloud computing professional can use these services to design AWS cloud projects and AWS enterprise projects. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, EC2, enables users to rent virtual computing resources to run their applications. AWS Lambda is another infrastructure service for serverless computing. AWS users can run code without having to worry about managing services or building workload-aware cluster-wide logic. AWS Lambda projects are popular because they require no administration. Internet of Things, IoT is one of the emerging technologies. AWS resources also offer tremendous opportunities in AWS IoT projects.

AWS has extraordinary flexibility in choosing the desired operating system, database, and other services. A virtual environment provides the ability to load services and software based on application requirements. The process of migrating from an existing platform to an AWS-based solution is also simple – security, reliability and ease of use are other features associated with AWS programs and applications.

As a result, these programs are applicable at the educational stage and professional journey. Students can work on these AWS project ideas and list them on their resume and showcase their cloud computing skills to recruiters for their dream job. AWS helps build more complex projects for industrial and commercial applications.

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The AWS platform allows the user to use cloud computing models such as Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS, Platform as a Service, PaaS, and Software as a Service, SaaS. Cloud computing technology has now become an integral part of business processes and operations. Programs at AWS will help you develop skills in cloud computing and other advanced and important technologies like IoT, AI etc.

AWS plans for beginners help professionals explore different service offerings. They can help you develop and improve your web development, hosting, design and deployment skills. Data management and manipulation is another area that can be explored and improved by working on these project ideas.

A number of open source projects are available on AWS and can provide a better understanding. Professionals can enhance their skills by working on these AWS freelance projects.

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We’ve compiled a list of awesome project ideas on AWS. You can work on these AWS sample projects to improve your skills and knowledge.

Automated Software Vulnerability Management

This section lists some of the easiest AWS projects for beginners that will help you hone your skills by working on various AWS cloud services.

The goal is to quickly and accurately convert the document selected by the user to the desired format. There are many document converters available online such as PDF to Word converter. You may have experienced the need to convert an HTML page/document to PDF format. Similarly, an Excel sheet should be converted to a Word document or other format. AWS Lambda will allow you to build an application that can quickly convert documents from one format to another. You can retrieve the required content and format and modify the content for download or display on a web page. You can use such an application in a job portal where users want to convert their CV to another format.

The goal is to deploy Windows virtual machines without security breach incidents in the process. VM Management in Microsoft Azure is a popular tool used to deploy virtual machines. You can deploy a Windows VM on AWS and you can use Amazon Lightsail as a web service for this purpose. This will help in simplifying work and optimal utilization of resources as per requirement. The user interface provided with this service is easy to customize and you can use the service to connect to an RDP client.

The purpose of this program is to send mass emails to the existing and potential customers of the business organization. Moonmail is one of the true mass mail cloud platforms designed with the help of AWS Lambda. You can combine AWS Lambda with SES, a simple email service, to create a cost-effective mass mailing platform. With S3, you can share mass mail with more recipients.

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Once you upload a CSV file, it will trigger an S3 instance. The Lambda function will then import the file into the database. The process of sending mail to the given addresses will begin.

The goal is to use AWS to build a website with high security, reliability, usability and availability. AWS Lightsail is a virtual private server for building countless websites. You can experiment with working on AWS by building a website. You can create a website to track your household expenses, create a website to store student details in the university. You can use AWS EC2 or AWS Lambda services as virtual private servers with AWS Lightsail. It offers SSD based storage and comes pre-configured with various web development options.

The goal is to build and deploy a secure and deployable serverless web application using AWS (Amplify, Lambda, etc.). Netflix is ​​a popular real-world application that uses many AWS and cloud services. You can combine multiple technologies to work on a project. AWS Amplify, for example, requires the front end of the application, including the hosting process. AWS Cognito can manage authentication and administration for the backend. You can add a persistence layer for storage using DynamoDB. Suitable for use with AWS Lambda and API Gateway backend APIs. You will also be familiar with HTML, JavaScript, CSS and RESTful API implementation. Start with a simple app like MI Calculator.

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Once you’ve worked through beginner-level AWS projects, it’s time to test your progress with some intermediate-level AWS projects. These programs are mainly suitable for professionals with two to four years of work experience.

Customer Service Software

The goal is to process large amounts of data in real time without compromising the accuracy of the results. Bustle is a real-world example that uses AWS resources to process large amounts of site metrics data in real time. You can use Amazon Kinesis Stream and AWS Lambda to work on this project. In the first step, you need to create a Kinesis Stream and configure it to capture data from a web source. Multiple lambda function instances automatically scale up or down with flow scaling. You can use social media timelines or location-based data as your data source.

You can integrate Kinesis and AWS Lambda in three ways: a stream-based model, an asynchronous call model, or an event-based model.

The goal is to design and deploy custom logic workflows for applications in response to trigger events. Coke Vending Machine is a real application of AWS Lambda and SNS. Food Panda, a food delivery app, is another popular example that implements this. It is now possible to embed lambdas into existing workflows with step functions. This is an AWS project for beginners because these operations are small and you can quickly test and verify the results. Shopping cart management is one area you can design and implement

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