Kecerdasan Nikola Tesla

9 minutes reading
Thursday, 8 Jun 2023 18:56 0 166 setiawan

Kecerdasan Nikola Tesla – Everyone must have their own answer. But if you ask Einstein this, he will tell you Nikola Tesla.

Einstein was once asked “How does it feel to be the smartest person in the world?” Einstein replied “I don’t know. Try asking Nikola Tesla.

Kecerdasan Nikola Tesla

1. Tesla loves books Of all things, I loved books the most. Above all, I love books.

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2. Try hard Make the future tell the truth, and evaluate everyone based on their work and accomplishments. Now it’s theirs; the future, which I have worked for, is mine. May the future tell the truth, and examine each one according to his work and what he has achieved. The time is theirs; the future, which I really work for, is mine.

3. About Hate If your hatred could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world. If your anger can be converted into electricity, it can light up the whole world.

4. I am not proud of their achievements. My brain is only a Host, and in the Universe there is a foundation where we get knowledge, strength and inspiration.

5. Pursuing success Life is an unsolvable equation, and it will always be an unsolvable equation, but it includes some known factors. Life is a complicated process (I’m not sure), but there are points and efforts you can make.

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6. About creativity Creativity is the most important product of the creative human brain. Creativity is the most important product of the creative human brain.

7. Regarding the past As I examine the events of my life in the past, I realize how treacherous the influences that shape our destiny are. When I review the events of my past life, I realize how subtle the influences that changed the fate of my life were.

8. Thank you, everyone should consider their body as the most important gift, and everyone should consider their body as the most important gift.

9. Stolen ideas I don’t care if my ideas are stolen… I care if they don’t have theirs. I don’t care if they steal my idea. I don’t care if they don’t have their own opinion

Apa Yang Dimaksud Tesla Dengan Energi, Frekuensi & Vibrasi?

10. Success and failure Our qualities and weaknesses are inseparable, like power and matter. Our strengths and weaknesses are inseparable, like style and material. 11. One Choice I don’t think you can name many designs by married men. In my opinion, there are not many discoveries in this world made by a married man, Jakarta – words of wisdom that you will often read on various social websites and online media are often give the impulse itself. There are many famous people who often speak words of wisdom, and one of them is Nikola Tesla.

Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American physicist, inventor, mechanic and electrician born on July 10, 1856.

Tesla was born in Austria, where at the time many European countries were affected by political unrest. He grew up in a Serbian family.

Tesla’s mother had knowledge of crafts and had the ability to memorize various texts, one of which was Old Serbian poetry.

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The ability to remember that he was strong enough and smart from the mother, he went down directly to Tesla. He eventually decided to study engineering and physics in Austria.

After graduating, Tesla worked in a telegraph office in Budapest, and a year later he moved to France to work in the office of Thomas Alva Edison.

His love of physics and engineering led him to move to the United States. With the help of some of his friends, he was able to set up a laboratory in New York.

Tesla made many inventions, such as the wireless generator and k-return electricity, which is more efficient than one-way electricity.

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Tesla died on January 7, 1943 at the age of 86 due to an inflammatory disease of the nervous system that he had when he was a young man.

Here are 20 words of wisdom from Nikola Tesla, which can make your reading material more impactful, as summarized on the page

“If you want to discover the secrets of the universe, think about energy, waves and motion.”

“I don’t care if they stole my idea, I just care that they don’t have their own.”

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“Today’s scientists think deeply rather than clearly. You have to be smart to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be very crazy.”

(Nowadays, scientists think more deeply than they think clearly. In order for people to be sane, they have to think clearly. But if you want to go crazy, think deeply.)

“Let the future tell the truth, and examine each one according to his work and what he has achieved. Now it is theirs; the future is my life, which I have truly worked for.”

(Let the future tell the truth and evaluate itself based on their work and achievements. Their present is now, and my future is mine that I have worked hard for)

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“Our qualities and weaknesses are inseparable, like power and matter. When they are separated, man ceases to exist.”

(Our virtues and weaknesses are not separate, like forces and problems. Once they are separated, people cease to exist.)

7. “Even from childhood, I was trained to be a medium. However, this prospect hung like a dark cloud in my mind.

8. “There is a feeling coming over me, the belief that I am the first person to hear a greeting from one planet to another.”

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11. “My brain acts only as a receiver. In this universe, there is a nucleus where I can find incredible knowledge, power and inspiration.”

12. “Everyone should think of themselves as the most precious gift / gift from the person they love more than anything else, like a piece of art that is so beautiful, beauty that cannot be they are explained, and the mystery behind.” “.

13. “Everything you laughed at, criticized, attacked and dismissed in the past was a wonderful thing. All this was done to produce things that were strong and won the war”.

14. “Man is always looking for new ideas of ongoing events, but he soon becomes indifferent. Yesterday’s magic is today’s commonplace.”

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15. “Invention is the most important result of the creative brain of each person. Its main purpose is to know the secret of the mind over the material world in general and exploit nature of man for man’s needs.”

16. “Intuition is more than knowledge, we have it, but it is questionable.

18. “Many people are absorbed in thinking about the outside world, but they are completely unaware of what is really going on inside of them.”

19. “Indeed, not all planets have inhabitants. However, there are some of them who have life at every level and at every stage of development. “

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20. “Peace will only come as a result of nature’s illumining of the universe and unifying efforts. In fact, we are still very far from achieving a better state of happiness.”

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Image: As soon as the Fiorentina captain’s head bled in the UEFA Europa League final, West Ham United’s title died One of the most famous and thought-provoking designers in history, as well as one of the the most misunderstood, has to be the Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist, Nikola Tesla.

His contributions to science and technology are immeasurable, throughout his life Tesla invented various electrical and mechanical devices, alternating current (AC) and patents related to polyphase AC, devices the first X-ray images and many others not taken. nothing. . that in his time.

He was ahead of the curve and also anticipated many of the technological advances we take for granted today, such as smartphones and wireless communication.

When Tesla died in 1943, he owned over a thousand patents for all kinds of inventions, including fluorescent lighting, remote automation systems, artificial lighting, particle energy, and more. many others.

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In fact, given the many mysteries surrounding the name of Nikola Tesla, many stories and conspiracies have appeared with his name, including being accused of participating in the Philadelphia experiment using teleportation , the invention of a perpetual motion machine, creating a death ray. . a weapon called the “Tesla Death Ray”, and many more.

Rumors about Tesla and his relationship with aliens continued to deepen, with all kinds of conspiracies suggesting that he was in contact with aliens who helped him in all his discoveries, some they even suggest that Tesla himself is an alien.

However, the most conspiracy related to aliens is something that Tesla himself mentioned. In a 1901 Collier’s Weekly article, Tesla said he was listening to alien communications in his Colorado Springs laboratory in 1899.

This was the time when he and the Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi pioneered the use of radio technology with their success, and one night Tesla was experimenting with a unique radio antenna. -a radio designed to check for thunderstorms, which he accidentally said he didn’t hear in the interview. of aliens from a foreign land.

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Even now, I can sometimes remember that event clearly and think about it clearly with my whole team standing in front of me. My first sight scared me, because

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