Kecerdasan Genetikal Adalah

8 minutes reading
Friday, 26 May 2023 04:17 0 109 setiawan

Kecerdasan Genetikal Adalah – In order to implement community activities, a group of computer science teachers at UNNES conducted a STIFIn-based training using biometrics for teachers at SMPIT Mutiara Hati Semarang.

“This institution is designed to remind teachers that each student’s intellectual ability or talent is different. Therefore, it is necessary to try the best learning method for each student. This is considered important so that each student can be fully explored. It is possible that a student is not good at mathematics, but in it he has a talent For visual arts, especially in creating beautiful pictures.

Kecerdasan Genetikal Adalah

A member of the service team who gave training on cognitive abilities was M Nur Roiisul Khasan, S.Pd., M.Pd., who introduced the tool and concept of intelligence known as STIFIn. STIFM is an abbreviation

Manfaat Artificial Intellegence (ai) Dalam Industri Manufaktur

. In these meters M Nur Roiisul Khasan, S.Pd., M.Pd. STIFIn argued that the concept of human intelligence is based on a system that controls the brain and can be found by examining the finger. M Noor added that STIFIn is a combination of psychological concepts;

And the team will help us get to know and understand the character and personality of each person.

“Through the STIFIn system, the teachers can identify the abilities and skills of the students, so that we know where to direct each student according to his abilities and skills.”

Participant in human training, D. Jarwanto, S.Pd. As director of SMPIT Mutiara Hati Semarang. In one workshop, SMPIT Mutiara Hati Semarang was held, and among about 10 teachers and parents who participated, few implemented strict health protocols. In addition, this training was carried out by other service workers namely M Faris Al Hakim, S.Pd., M.Cs. Who in documents of events Jumanto, S. Kom., M.Cs. You became a journalist. – The journey to the birth of STIFIn began when Farid Puniman in 1999, he and two of his colleagues who are now famous in Indonesia, Indrawan Nugroho and Jamil Azini, founded a company called Leadership Kubik which is now the top 10 training and consulting provider. in Indonesia. They began to write a book and organize workshops according to the nature of the participants. This concept became known as STIFIn. For Kubik, this was the beginning of his research to present his ideas and thoughts on STIFIn.

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Knowing how to investigate nature from what he saw, especially his wife, whose personality turned out to be one of S-T-I-F. Since then the concept STIFIn has been considered without further refinement. Many still did not believe. So by the time the book came out, FP had ruled that the idea of ​​five interrogating machines and nine human STIFIns was considered final.

After researching STIFI, compiled the teaching material which are: S-T-I-F Basic Teaching C.G. Jung (1875-1959).

What about the fifth intelligence in STIFIn, which is the instinct type? On Paul McLean’s Triangular Mind is the Reptilian Mind. In fact, he added a fifth sense in the function of the Hindu brain or the middle brain (the cerebellum, the medulla, the medulla, the medulla, the pons, and the root of the brain. From a long journey of collecting this doctrine was completed in STIFI. affect the manners of man. According to which the function of the brain is most affected and all Equal.

Each part of the brain has one part or another. The face is shown, the face is excited from the outside, it is more inclined, introverted. Anyone who observes from the outside, receives external stimuli, then easily opens himself up to external solutions, is easily tempted to become the focus, the focal point. of the white and white areas of the brain, and both parts are in the limbic brain and neocortex, but it is not in the middle. Thus each S-T-I-F becomes two human derivatives (Si, Se, Ti, Te, Ii, Ie, Fi, Fe) while Tribus acts as an intelligent machine and as a human. Therefore the number of human people is 9. According to the theory of STIF, genetic factors play a role in changing a person’s personality or psychology. Inherent factors are what we carry from birth and are fixed/unchangeable throughout life. According to STIFIn’s opinion, there are 5 (five) genetic factors that influence our personality. Each of these genetic factors determines a different level of the other. Therefore it has not been proven that the two substances have the same effect. In other words, genetic factors have a large effect, and genetic factors have a small effect. STIFin Theory calls this theory of genetic influence STIFin Theory of genetic stratification.

Pusat Inovasi Kecerdasan Artifisial, Langkah Kongkret Menuju Indonesia Cerdas Dan Mandiri Dalam Berbagai Bidang Teknologi

Based on STIFI’s genetic theory, there are 5 genetic factors that influence personality in this order from least genetic factors;

It should be noted that the training or development program we do will produce a large/strong effect (the effect will be effective) if it is genetically engineered (which we have) to a higher level or level. For example, now the blood type diet guide, and blood type O and you have the intelligence of the Machine. If you follow the blood type O diet, the diet you follow will not have significant side effects and may not even be effective. Because you have a smart thought that Golder or Diet wants to hear.

If you have any questions about the STIFIn test guide, please contact me. I provide evidence and other resources. I can also provide information about STIFIn exam in all cities/regions in Indonesia. STIFin’s approach consists of psychological concepts;

And the workers will help us to know and understand the nature and nature of each of them. read more….

Tes Stifin Resmi

When you access the STIFIn test, you will be able to see your genetic results below: (please click on the image/diagram for more details)

Among the billions of people, STIFIn is included in 5 smart devices and 9 types. We only remember one of them and focus our main effort on the most important ones.

It has the highest accuracy (paper and pen) and consistency (finger), which are 95% in testing. STIFIn describes how the brain works on operating systems, not hardware capabilities.

STIFIn has the advantage of being a multi-English field where the results can be used in all fields, such as education, learning, parenting, business, protection, material, marriage, life, …

Sentimen Genetikal Dan Sentimen Kategorial

A minimum age of 2.5 years and 1 lifetime is sufficient, because the result does not change (in general). It is a genetic system like a species that cannot be changed. The process only takes 5-10 minutes until the results arrive.

The concept of STIFIn is derived from the teachings of psychologists 3 scientific studies that are recognized and studied at the institution. The results of Al-Qur’an and Hadith collection have been adjusted. If the opinion does not agree with the Qur’an and the hadith, the STIFIn opinion is checked.

Using a fingerprint test to make sure that the results of the test do not depend on the individual’s physical and mental factors. Therefore, it should be done only once in a lifetime, because the result remains the same and does not change.

The STIFin test results were confirmed for me. The explanation is very scientific, detailed and practical to my understanding. Therefore, in my opinion, it is important to do this test early so that parents do not go astray in guiding their children to choose a path and knowledge related to their talents and talents. Children have fun learning. .

Pdf) Algoritma Genetika

If until now fingerprints have only been used for identification purposes, police interests and proof of identity, then fingerprint analysis can be used to read the hidden potential of each child. That way everyone will get rights according to their choice. Do not force your child to draw, even if he likes to dance. It is important to recognize children’s abilities from an early age so that children can receive different and unique treatment. Through this analysis guide he opens our minds to the fact that every child is born with unique intelligence and potential.

I read a research report by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zin Nordin and his team around the STIFIn test. Well they did the research.

There are many ways to feel about yourself and others. With STFM you will understand and understand us and others. Cooperation in the family and the world of work on the best side.

If you delay, you will lose a lot of time that cannot be recovered. Hurry and you will have many advantages.

Solution: Pengenalan Kecerdasan Buatan

It does not require preparation like other tests. But it only requires ten fingers for vertical information.

The signature data is not stored in counters or STIFIn servers. After the STIFIn test results are published, the fingerprint is automatically deleted. STIFIn is a concept used to identify human-machine intelligence in a brain-controlled system and can be identified by finger testing. STIFin’s approach consists of psychological concepts;

And the workers will help us to know and understand the nature and nature of each of them. read more….

When you take the STIFIn test, you will see the results in the form

Tes Stifin Mengenal Potensi Diri Secara Genetik Melalui Sidik Jari [ Nurul Sufitri’s Blog ]

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