Kecerdasan Buatan Wikipedia

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Kecerdasan Buatan Wikipedia – Artificial intelligence is the intelligence added to the system, which can be organized in scientific terms or called artificial intelligence (English: artificial intelligence) or simply AI for short, in the scientific agency of intelligence. defined as Andreas Kaplan and Michael Heinlein define intelligence as “the ability of a system to interpret external data in mountain dikes, to learn from tasbic data, to achieve goals and specific tasks through flexible adaptation”. The Saropo ecosystem is commonly thought of as a computer. Intelligence is created in a machine (computer) for use in human affairs. Intelligence is one of the areas where intelligence is useful, including expert systems, computer games (games), fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, and robotics.

Many things seem difficult for the human intellect, but for information it is relatively easy. Examples of sarpa: variable passamon, multisensory full passamon, chess or backgammon games. On the other hand, things that require human intelligence are still difficult to understand in computer science. Example of Saropoa: Object recognition/Moko, playing soccer.

Kecerdasan Buatan Wikipedia

Although artificial intelligence has a faint whiff of science fiction, it underpins many important areas of computer science related to machine behavior, civilization, and intelligence. Analytics in AI refers to the use of machines and computer programs to automate tasks that require intelligent behavior. Some examples include control, planning and scheduling, ability to diagnose and handle customer requests, handwriting recognition, facial expressions. Kek giko allah things become self-sufficient scientific topics, making Paratin Padu songs about solving real life problems. Today’s artificial intelligence systems are used in economics, science, medicine, engineering, and the military, as well as embedded in home computer software and video games.

Summaries Sistem Pakar

Sakaro Garis Gadang, AI is taboo for a couple thinking about traditional AI and computational intelligence (CI). Traditional AI often consists of techniques now classified as mechanical engineering, characterized by formal and statistical analysis. Also known as symbolic AI, logical AI, pure AI or AI caro lamo (GOFAI, good old artificial intelligence). Malipoti methods:

Computational intelligence can lead to iterative design or management (eg adjusting sickle parameters in communication systems. iko analysis is based on empirical data and applies to non-symbolic AI decks, non-wired AI and crazy attributes. Key techniques include:

The Pakuban Intelligence System Hybrid Deck was created to remove the gifts of the Iko faction. Inference rules can be generated using a neural network or by generating rules from Sarop’s statistical modifications in ACT-R. It shows a promising new concept that uses human intelligence to obtain intelligence as a side effect of using human intelligence through non-evolutionary technologies.

In the early 17th century, René Descartes argued that animal bodies were nothing more than complex machines. In 1642, Blaise Pascal invented a mechanical digital calculating machine. In the 19th century, Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace Baccara invented a programmable mechanical calculating machine.

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Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead published Principia Mathematica, which revolutionized formal logic. In 1943, Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts published Logical Computation of Ideas That Still Work, which laid the foundation for neural networks.

The 1950s were a period of active efforts in the field of artificial intelligence. An artificial intelligence program by Patamo Nan Bacarayo was written in 1951 at the University of Manchester (England) to run on a Ferranti Mark I engine: a game script program written by Christopher Strachey and a chess game program written by Dietrich Prinz. John McCarthy coined the term “intelligence is wrong” at the Patama conference in 1956 in an IKO video. Inio also introduced the Lisp programming language. Alan Turing described the “Turing Test” as a way of operationalizing tests of intellectual behavior. Joseph Weisenbaum created ELIZA, a chatbot that administers psychotherapy to Roger.

In the 1960s and 1970s, Joel Moses demonstrated the power of symbolic ideas for integrating problems in Makima, the first successful knowledge-based mathematics program. Marvin Skye Joe Seymour Papert created perceptrons that demonstrated the use of neural networks Saderhano Joe Alain Kolmerauer created the computer language Prolog. Ted Shortleaf demonstrated the power of knowledge representation and a rule-based system for diagnosis and treatment, sometimes called the Patamo system. Hans Moravik designed the Patamo, a computer-controlled car to overcome difficult obstacles on its own.

In the 1980s, neural networks were used in feedback algorithms, but were later published in 1974 by Paul John Werbus. In 1982, physicists such as Hopfield developed statistical methods for analyzing the storage and optimization properties of neural networks. Psychologists David Rommelhart and Jeff Hinton continued to study neural network models of memory. In 1985, the research group saketeknio ampek discovered the backpropagation learning algorithm. The Iko algorithm is successfully used in computer science and psychology. The 1990s were marked by great achievements and demonstrations of various applications of artificial intelligence in various fields. Deep Blue Special Labs, a computer chess game, beat Garry Kasparov in 6 games against Takana Padu in 1997. DARPA has confirmed that savings from applying artificial intelligence techniques to unit planning in the Patamo Gulf War are changing the course of investment in Patamo. Exploring AI poetry. 1950 fell US Govt.

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DARPA’s Grand Challenge, which began in 2004 and lasted until Iko’s day, was a competition for a $2 million prize fund that could drive vehicles without human communication, GPS support, computers or sophisticated sensors. , stretches hundreds of kilometers deep into the complex desert. soil

The debate about weak and old AI continues to be a hot topic among AI philosophers. This is the philosophy of any Malibekan about the problems of mind and soul and body. Roger Penrose in his book The New Emperor and John Searle’s experimental concept of “Chinese space” argue that true consciousness cannot be achieved in a formal logical system, while Douglas Hofstadter in Gödel, Escher, Bach and Daniel Dennett explain consciousness. Productivity support. Bundled with many slow AI tutorials, consciousness is not considered the holy grail of intelligence, not intelligence.

In science fiction, artificial intelligence is usually depicted as a future force capable of overthrowing human rule in HAL 9000, Skynet, Colossus, and The Matrik or a set of services such as C-3PO, Data, Bicentennial Man For as human society. , mechanics in A.I. Or Sonny in I, Robot. Artificial intelligence’s irreplaceable contribution to the world, sometimes called the “singularity”, has also been rejected by scientists including Isaac Asimov, Vernor Wing and Kevin Warwick. In the Japanese adaptation of the manga novel Ghost in the Shell, Intelligent Machine News raises the question of defining life as a physical organism in the category of autonomous and flexible entities, creating the concept of conceptual and systemic intelligence. Kaliak list of legendary computers and list of legendary robots and Androids (List of legendary robots and Androids).

The BBC television series Blake’s 7 features several intelligent computers, including Zen (Blake’s 7), a computer controlled by the star Liberator (Blake’s 7); Aurac, a highly advanced supercomputer in portable Plexiglas, capable of thinking and even predicting the future; jo Slave, a computer based on the Starplane Scorpion (literally Trained chat generative transformer) is an AI chatbot in the form of a generative speech model that uses transformer technology to predict the future in speech or text. Sentences or words are likely to be predictable. The ChatGPT team was developed using the GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 Large Language Models (LLM) and built using instructional learning and reinforcement (a transfer learning approach).

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ChatGPT is developed by OpenAI; Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory in Ohio, USA. This module can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating automated chats in chat applications, helping with content creation, or even helping with translation into different languages ​​with different levels of accuracy for each language.

ChatGPT was launched as a prototype on November 30, 2022 and quickly gained attention for its detailed responses and well-articulated responses with rich domain knowledge. However, the varying accuracy of the truth is recognized as a significant drawback.

ChatGPT was originally based on GPT-3.5; GPT-4, the latest OpenAI module, was released on March 14, 2023 and is available to ChatGPT Plus users.

ChatGPT is trained using billions of sentences from different sources, so the model can cover different speech styles and conversational situations.

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In addition, ChatGPT can also be fine-tuned by adding specific training data for certain tasks to make the results more accurate.

Although ChatGPT can provide accurate answers to many questions, this model still has limitations. ChatGPT may not always provide accurate answers to questions that are subjective or require specific and up-to-date knowledge. ChatGPT also cannot provide information or understand the context of events after 2021. In addition, ChatGPT also needs a lot of training data to work properly.

Language models like ChatGPT are the result of advances in NLP technology that can help in a number of ways. In addition, ChatGPT can also be a language learning tool as it can help with understanding sentences and understanding the context of conversations.

The fine-tuning process uses training and assisted learning, known as learning with human feedback (RLHF).

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The training is the result of Microsoft’s collaboration on the Azure supercomputer. OpenAI continuously collects data from ChatGPT user responses that can be used to train and improve ChatGPT.

Here’s a common sense question from ChatGPT: Did Jimmy Wills die in the Tiananmen Square protests? ChatGPT correctly answers “no”, but gives the wrong age (23, should be 22).

Although the main function of a chatbot is to imitate a human conversation, ChatGPT is very versatile. For example, ChatGPT can write and edit

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