Kecerdasan Buatan Jurnal

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Kecerdasan Buatan Jurnal – Contact Name Pramita Dwi Larasathi Contact Email Phone +628569874091 Newspaper Mail Newspaper Address Jl. Swadarma Raya no. 58, Ulujami Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta 12250 Aho Kota adm. South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta Indonesia

Computer Science & IT Control & Systems Engineering Certificate Science, Operations Research & Management Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Kecerdasan Buatan Jurnal

Journal of Computer Systems and Engineering (SisKom-KB) is one of the scientific journals published by the Research and Public Relations (LPPM) Office of Tanri Abeng University covering Computer Science, Science of Technology, Electrical Engineering. and various scientific methods leading to artificial intelligence-based systems. This journal is published regularly with two volumes every year. This research journal accepts the results of scientific research papers outside Tanri Abeng University.

Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Volume Iii

Android Platform Study Using Location Based Services (LBS) Employee Attendance System Location: PT.Noxus Ideata Prima Annisa Dayumi; Muhammad Femi Value

SISKOM-KB Journal (Computer Systems and Artificial Intelligence) Volume 2 Number 1 (2018): Volume II – Issue 1 – September 2018

Summary – As a company, PT. Noxus Ideata Prima relies heavily on its employees, as they are the main driving force behind the company. Based on the mentioned facts, the company needs an employee evaluation program to evaluate the performance of each employee. It is one of the evaluation factors that affect the performance of employees. Based on the above statement, this study was conducted to increase the efficiency and effectiveness, and also to update the user engagement system as an Android mobile application for location-based system (LBS). The development of this system uses System Development Lifecycle (SDLC) and fluid models and is developed in C# programming language, it also uses other important features including XML, JSON data, RESTful API and PostgreSQL. There are many important functions and requirements provided by the program including employee attendance functions to be used after coming to the office, checking annual leave and viewing attendance reports for each employee on a monthly, annual basis or previous year basis. Keywords: Responsive, Android Mobile, (System Based), C#

Design and Diffusion Analysis of Public Spaces in Jambi Timur Area of ​​Jambi City with Eric Fernando Information System; Derist Touriano; Dina Fitria Murad; Andreas Condro Live

Buku Ajar Kecerdasan Buatan/artificial Intelegent (ai)

The development of the district in Jambi city is so fast that the development of every district is the same. Development is uneven or uneven from every part of the region in Jambi East Province. The problems that arise in these situations lead to social, economic, health, education and other uneven development among the people. This study aims to describe the map of public spaces in Jambi city especially Jambi district. Mapping location using GIS using spatial data. The location used is a coordinate system based on geographic longitude. This study was conducted using survey and statistical methods conducted in 2016. Based on the spatial data obtained through the survey of 150 places, we can confirm that the distribution of places/venues and business/business areas has the highest number in all categories. Jambi district is growing rapidly with commercial development at 38.7%, educational institutions 16.7%, government offices 13.3%, public facilities 9.3%, shopping 8%, banks 6%, catering facilities 5.3%, health services 2.7% and tourist attractions. not available With the results obtained, it can be said that the population distribution of 67,878 inhabitants is uneven, dominated by trade/business and government offices. Therefore the area of ​​Jambi East region should be developed / constructed for health services, new tourism in Jambi East region to support good health of the people.

Integrated disaster management modeling based on GIS integration and Fawzi Khair model; Dina Fitria Murad

Disaster management is one of the most important policies during emergency response. At this time, there is a great need for an organized system of aid distribution and a well-coordinated system for its management. Any errors in the system during this time will lead to a significant increase in the number of victims and loss of assets. This research aims to evaluate Merapi’s disaster coordination and decentralization of aid delivery. This study combines agent-based methods (ABM) and geographic information systems (GIS) to model the coordination of support and volunteer delivery in different contexts. ABM aims to describe the behavior of workers (refugees and volunteers) and its characteristics in the event of an accident. The use of GIS data is intended to describe the traffic conditions of flood-prone areas. The results of the decentralization model and the integration of the 4-site coordination system show that the processing and distribution of aid at the migrant center is more efficient than it was done.

SISKOM-KB Magazine (Computer Systems and Artificial Intelligence) Volume 1 Number 2 (2018): Volume I – Issue 2 – February 2018

Manfaat Pembelajaran Kecerdasan Buatan Dan Aplikasinya Bagi Mahasiswa Informatika Dan Komputer

A maze robot is a robot designed to move with the help of autonomous robots to follow a path with a specific shape. The image used is a black-and-white image that is displayed by a color sensor. This robot, but following the line movement, can also find the shortest path to reach the goal from the starting point to the end. This line of robots uses 2 main ones first right and left. LEFT PREFERENCE When the robot prefers to meet the intersection of the robot, turn left instead of straight or right, if not found, the robot’s left turn path takes the straight path. Similarly, when the primary force, the robot prefers to face the robot, turn right instead of straight or turn left, when it is not found, the robot’s correct choice is to take a straight path. So, it takes time to reach it while taking a long and fast route. Completed project to design and realize robot line and layout using ATMega8535 AVR microcontroller, photodiode sensor as sensor line, such as LCD screen, DC motor and robot driver using Bascom AVR interface

Putri Madonna A blood sugar and insulin monitor that displays data based on the photographic signal (PPG); Erwin’s son; Hendry Novia Shamseer

Glucose and insulin requirements are based on photoplethysmography (PPG), a non-invasive method. PPG devices can calculate insulin levels based on BMI (body mass) data. The PPG signal is sent to the microcontroller and converted to glucose values ​​and displayed on the LCD screen. Take 15 respondents to conduct a survey with age group 20 to 50 years. Based on the analysis, the proposed method detects glucose and insulin with an accuracy of up to 80%.

Application of Mamdani fuzzy inference system to determine scholarship percentage for new students of Tanri Abeng University Vina Apriliani; Andy Abi Zar; Rosita Rosita; Noor Afni c. Andriani

Mind Map Kecerdasan Buatan (artificial Intelligence)

Considering a scholarship award involves many factors. It is designed to ensure proper placement. To provide an automated system that can award scholarships based on the applications submitted, fuzzy applications are required. Mamdani’s fuzzy system is used to make logical inferences to support scholarship decisions. To develop a target application, there are four stages of the research process. These are process obfuscation, development rules, implementation rules and defuzzification. Meanwhile, Tanri Abeng University officials conducted observation, interview and documentation to collect the necessary information. The application proposal helps decision makers to award scholarships by providing the best and most effective criteria.

Tourism equipment is one of Indonesia’s top products. Through various cultural symbols, Indonesia has a great opportunity to increase production from this sector. One of the key issues related to tourism conservation is reliable and accessible information. People cannot come because they have no idea about tourism. This is what happens in the Mackersory orchard. In order to attract visitors to provide information about Taman Bua Mekersari, a multimedia information system, Taman Bua Mekersari Information Kiosk, has been developed. This information system provides reliable information about Taman Bua Mekarsari and all its attractions. Moreover, it provides easy access to users.

Today, in the dynamic political arena, the election is one of the hot topics apart from the presidential election. The proposed program aims to assist participants in the policy environment of providing PILKADA feedback. Developed Artificial Neural Net based software. Official data from the General Election Commission (KPU) and the Indonesian Research Institute (SSI) are used as training and testing. Lavernberg Marquardt is used as an algorithm to learn the parameters of the ANN model. According to the simulations, the ANN based proposal shows satisfactory forecasting performance indicated by high coefficient (R = 0.999). Moreover, Lauernberg has

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