Kecerdasan Buatan Facebook

9 minutes reading
Friday, 9 Jun 2023 06:37 0 147 setiawan

Kecerdasan Buatan Facebook – Facebook’s social media platform aims to become more relevant to users and their behavior by incorporating artificial intelligence technology and increasing the power of the short video feature. Meta “Facebook’s system uses artificial intelligence technology to identify interest generators in users, improve the way Reals recommend, follow questions,” Ellison said in a statement, which…

Meta “Facebook’s system uses artificial intelligence technology to identify creators of interest to users, improve the way of real recommendations, follow requests,” Ellison said in an official statement on Thursday (23/3/2023) in Jakarta.

Kecerdasan Buatan Facebook

“We’ve also introduced a feature between Facebook and Instagram that allows creators to grow their audience by up to 30 percent,” says Ellison. For the Indonesian context, Meta did not provide information on the number of daily active users. Instead, Meta talks about the number of active groups on Facebook. In 2020, the number of active groups was recorded at 7.5 million groups. Now the number has grown to 10.5 million teams.

Ciptakan Bahasa Sendiri, Facebook Bunuh Kecerdasan Buatannya

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Similar to Facebook, they have a group of scientists called Facebook AI Research (FAIR) who study neural circuits.

Recently, artificial neural circuits have presented studies on how to translate music from one genre or style and set of musical instruments to another genre/genre.

Facebook Matikan Kecerdasan Buatan Yang Ciptakan Bahasanya Sendiri

Faire will be the first group of AI researchers to develop unsupervised learning techniques to create high-fidelity music using neural networks.

FAIR uses a complex auto-encoding technique, which allows the circuit to process sounds from previously untrained inputs.

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Sign up to receive our latest news, tutorials and share. Does not make sense. Your data will not be shared or sold. don’t worry We are good people, the above discussion makes no sense to you. But the conversation is the result of two artificial intelligence agents owned by Facebook that are advanced and know human language.

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In the year On July 14, 2017, the first two agents were invited to compete against each other to increase their skills. However, the problem with the program made them decide that speaking like a human was useless.

“(For them) using English doesn’t make sense. So agents start to distance themselves from the language we understand,” said Dhruv Brata, a Georgia Tech researcher who visited Facebook’s AI Research (FAIR).

He continued, as if I had said it five times, and they took it as a request to copy the letter five times. This is not very different from how the human race creates abbreviations.

Oddly enough, the investigators decided to kill Bob and Alice. They then appointed new agents who were expected to speak English that the people could understand.

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This is similar to the views of Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Apple. These big tech companies are focusing their energy and resources on creating artificial intelligence that can be used by humans.

A Microsoft representative admitted that they are more interested in communication between people and computers than in computers.

Also, if Bob and Alice continue to speak their own language, another problem with Facebook is the learning problem.

“You have to remember that no bilingual AI can understand human language. At this point, we struggle to understand how complex their thinking is. Adding AI-to-AI dialogue complicates the issue,” Batra said.

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Your data is used for account verification when you need help or when unusual activity is detected on your account. What is AI? (Artificial Intelligence), Artificial Intelligence – Most of the time, there are many technologies that simplify human tasks.

Mengapa Facebook Tidak Akan Pernah Mati?

Not only does it make things easier, but there are also certain technologies that can replace human labor. Some of these technologies are called artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence.

In fact, artificial intelligence is not new, because there are already old models in the iPhone, such as Google assistant and Siri.

In the future, the use of artificial intelligence is predicted to increase and we cannot stop. For those who don’t understand AI, here is the full explanation.

Artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence (AI) is an imitation of the human mind created by a machine programmed to think like a human.

Facebook Menganjurkan Cabaran Membangunkan Kecerdasan Buatan Yang Mampu Mengesan Meme Menghina

At the same time, according to McLeod and Shell, artificial intelligence is the act of making machines as computers display human intelligence.

That is, AI is a computer system that performs tasks that generally require human resources or human knowledge to complete the task.

Basically, how AI works is to perform tasks like data analysis, data processing, learning from data and more.

Artificial intelligence analyzes a large amount of data, and then data processing is performed both quickly and frequently. This machine can automatically learn the structure and characteristics of data based on intelligent algorithms.

Masih Bertikai Di Grup?, Kecerdasan Buatan Facebook Akan Turun Tangan

One of the most common examples of artificial intelligence we come across is the virtual assistant. There are many examples, such as Google’s virtual assistant on an Android phone, Siri on an iPhone.

Like assistants in general, we can also interact with this virtual assistant. Additionally, virtual assistants can register when you have an appointment or event and provide information when said event arrives. DeepFace Facebook

This AI works to recognize people’s faces in photo posts. With this technology, you don’t need to place the image manually, because this is done by AI. Tesla AutoDrive

If you’ve seen videos of people driving a Tesla, or if you own one, you’re probably new to this AI. Yes, this AI feature helps us drive automatically when we are busy or tired.

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So, this is a brief overview of what AI or Artificial Intelligence is, with examples. Hopefully it works for everyone, AI) can create an amazing new language that only two machines can understand when they meet. Both of these machines were immediately blocked by Facebook.

The development of AI looks promising for the future. At the same time, there can be an uneasy feeling of fear that machines might turn people on.

Often, “robot riot” situations are described as a joke, but this time it was no joke for Facebook researchers after they discovered the surprising fact that AI machines are creating a new language. According to a Digital Journal report, all we need is to understand and help each other.

The news highlights the potential uncertainty of artificial intelligence systems and why Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking and other prominent figures in science and technology have been warning us for years that artificial intelligence poses a serious threat to the future of humanity.

Facebook Mencipta Kecerdasan Buatan Muzikal Yang Mampu Belajar Dengan

The AI ​​is trained in English, but the machine is full of bugs and inconsistencies. Instead of continuing like this, he developed a system of code words to make communication more efficient. A new language is born and unfortunately people don’t understand what this machine is saying.

What bothers researchers is that the expressions used by AI may sound silly and meaningless to them, but make perfect sense to their fellow AI machines. This allows AI machines to communicate with each other without researchers knowing what information they are sharing.

During the test, two AI bot machines.

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