Kecerdasan Buatan Atau Artificial Intelligence

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Friday, 26 May 2023 15:56 0 142 setiawan

Kecerdasan Buatan Atau Artificial Intelligence – Technology news, ().- Artificial intelligence is an intelligence in computer science that studies machines (computers).

So that his function works like a person, more than a person.

Kecerdasan Buatan Atau Artificial Intelligence

This knowledge is in the form of an artificial intelligence application or program that can be entered into any computer language, whether it is BASIC, Pascal or other programming languages.

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The emergence of artificial intelligence is the beginning of the industrial revolution 4.0 which guarantees various facilities in every sector of government and industry.

According to computer scientist, John McCarthy, artificial intelligence was created to learn more about what human thought processes are and to design machines so that they can imitate human thinking and behavior.

Currently, according to Mc Leod and Schell, artificial intelligence is to provide machines (computers). The machine has the ability to imitate human skills and behavior, so the assumptions have similarities in terms of intelligence.

The technology of artificial intelligence is now developed a lot and its application in various fields to facilitate our daily life.

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Artificial intelligence or AI is not new, but its development is growing fast and always brings new things that attract attention.

The important role of the presence of AI, along with many props in science fiction films, related to AI, of course, can really help human life.

Artificial intelligence is not just a virtual assistant like Jarvis in the movie Iron Man or a technology in the form of a robot. Artificial intelligence encompasses more than that.

Artificial intelligence can be used in different ways, especially the intelligence of machines which of course can respond like a human.

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The definition of intelligence is having knowledge, experience and good judgment in making decisions or actions.

An intelligent person is sure to solve a problem correctly because he has knowledge and experience.

Knowledge is collected from learning outcomes, so the more knowledge collected, the easier it is to solve a problem. However, being armed with knowledge alone is not enough to become an intelligent person.

People have the gift of reason whose function is to reason to make actions, decisions and conclusions based on the knowledge and experience they have.

Mengenal Kecerdasan Buatan Artificial Intelligence ‘ai’ Dalam Meningkatkan Ketahanan Cyber

If you do not have the ability to reason well, a lot of human knowledge and experience will be useless in solving problems correctly.

Also, even excellent reasoning skills are not enough without skilled experience and knowledge of people to solve problems.

Therefore, AI wants to imitate intelligent human thinking in terms of knowledge, experience and good reasoning to solve problems.

The technology created by artificial intelligence requires data to be used as a source of knowledge, just like intelligent people in general.

Mengenal Apa Itu Artificial Intelligence Atau Kecerdasan Buatan Dan Kegunaannya Bagi Kehidupan

AI needs experience and valid data for intelligence to be properly formed. The main points in the process of creating artificial intelligence are learning, reasoning and self-healing.

AI needs a learning process to deepen and improve its knowledge. Interestingly, during the learning process, AI does not always follow commands from humans.

What is less interesting than the artificial intelligence is the ability to perform self-correction or self-correction.

Perhaps many people are confused about how AI technology works. Artificial intelligence operations such as AlphaGo.

Ai (artificial Intelligence): Pengertian

In addition, AlphaGo will play Go itself and if it loses, it will improve the way it plays. This will restart the game and autocorrect process.

The use of artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence is already in various fields such as industry, business, medical, education and other fields for the daily needs of life.

An example of artificial intelligence technology is virtual assistants. As with the work of assistants in general, virtual assistants can interact with each other.

The virtual assistant is also able to record the time, schedule or events so that it informs us when the appointed time comes.

Presentasi Konsep Pengembangan Ai Atau Artificial Intelligence Memiliki 3 Lapisan Untuk Dianalisis Seperti Kecerdasan Buatan Pembelajaran Mesin Dan Pembelajaran Mendalam Vektor Diagram Lapisan Bawang Kreatif Ilustrasi Stok

In addition, it can receive commands to perform other tasks such as sending messages, opening apps, playing music, etc.

The virtual assistant technology is constantly learning to adapt to its users to learn what the user typically does and wants.

Another example of an application that uses artificial intelligence is product recommendations in e-commerce. Of course, this concept always comes up when one visits e-commerce.

How the recommended product works is not from the person making it, but from the AI ​​technology itself that recommends the product.

Mengenal Kecerdasan Buatan Atau ‘ai’ Artificial Intelligence

AI takes data from what people search for, for example when they search for products, buy products or products you have seen before.

The AI ​​function of ​​​​deepFace is to recognize a person’s face in a picture or photo post.

With this technology, you don’t need to manually tag someone in their photos because AI sophistication can identify them.

You may be confused about how AI is able to identify photos accurately. Before DeepFace can correctly identify photos, it needs practice with the data it contains.

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AI data is obtained when you connect people in previous photos. After that, the AI ​​continued to train and take more data and finally managed to recognize a person in a photo.

Artificial intelligence will definitely have a great influence on human life, its lifestyle, interaction, convenience and comfort in many ways.

Therefore, artificial intelligence (AI) will continue to evolve to create more new innovations to keep up with the times. It is usually associated with computer system programming so that an application can receive instructions or do something according to given instructions. Its main purpose is to facilitate human activity. For example, supermarket robots that can talk and provide service like real people.

However, artificial intelligence is not perfect. Behind all the advantages, there are also disadvantages that can cause losses, even threats. Everything has risks, and so does the use of artificial intelligence. What are the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence? See the following explanation!

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As previously explained, AI exists to help people. Here are some of the advantages you get when you use artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is less prone to error than humans. If humans are prone to mistakes, the artificial intelligence housed in machines is virtually error-free because the machines will always produce the same product every time.

Another plus is that the productivity of AI machines does not stop. Unlike people who need rest, machines do not get tired. Machines can be used with fewer breaks, some even without breaks. In this way, the production results will be more than the use of human labor.

Motor power and performance tend to be better than humans. Machines are able to process more data with faster results. The artificial intelligence in the car can consider many factors and help users make accurate decisions.

Bagaimana Artificial Intelligence (ai) Mengubah Pendidikan (bagian I)

Machines with artificial intelligence are widely used in various industries. The machines can replace people, especially in dangerous tasks such as coal mines, oil refineries, sewage, nuclear power plants and other dangerous work. In this way, the deadly risk will not be a threat to people.

Artificial intelligence now plays an important role in people’s daily lives. Not only in industry, even daily human activities are accompanied by machines with artificial intelligence. You’ll find artificial intelligence tools in Google Voice, Siri, and more.

Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence is very important to help you think carefully before using it. Behind its advantages, AI cars have some disadvantages. The following are the disadvantages of machines that implement artificial intelligence.

In fact, artificially intelligent machines use concepts like neural networks that require powerful hardware. We cannot forget the computing power that must be perfect for processing information. To do this, a lot of money is needed for maintenance and repairs.

Jenis Artificial Intelligence (ai) Atau Kecerdasan Buatan Dan Perkembangannya Di Masa Depan

Another disadvantage of artificial intelligence is the increased risk of unemployment. The number of jobs that will be replaced by artificial intelligence machines means that there are fewer and fewer vacancies for people. Thus, more and more people will be unemployed from time to time because of the jobs that the machines will replace.

After all, artificial intelligence implemented by machines cannot completely replace humans. Machines can only do the tasks they are programmed to do. If you use the machine for things that exceed the limits, the risk of failure will be even greater.

Another disadvantage of AI machines is that they do not have emotions like humans. That is, machines cannot form bonds with humans or other machines when it comes to solving a problem, so there is no team management when using AI machines.

These are the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence that is now replacing many human roles in companies. As intelligent as robots are, they lack the emotional attachment and feelings that humans have. Therefore, machines that use artificial intelligence can usually only do something according to the instructions that are programmed into them. AI or Artificial Intelligence (Indonesian: Artificial Intelligence) is the ability of a machine or computer program to imitate the behavior or function of the human brain. It includes the ability to learn, adapt and solve problems like humans through machine learning and algorithms.

Terancam, Kecerdasan Buatan (ai) Bisa Gantikan Peran Manusia?

AI is a technology that allows machines or computer programs to learn and solve problems like humans. For example, just like we learn math, machines or computer programs can also learn from sample data and recognize patterns in it so they can solve math problems.

For example, if we provide sample data in the form of pictures of cats and dogs and their corresponding labels, a machine or computer program can learn to distinguish between cats and dogs. After the machine or computer program recognizes the patterns of the sample data, the machine or computer program can correctly predict whether the given image is a cat or a dog.

With AI, machines or computer programs can automatically solve certain problems or tasks,

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