Kecerdasan Artificial

9 minutes reading
Tuesday, 23 May 2023 17:57 0 129 setiawan

Kecerdasan Artificial – Artificial intelligence (AI) is a type of technology designed to mimic human cognitive functions. Like data analysis for decision making, pattern understanding, context recognition.

Artificial intelligence does not always come in the form of robots, as we usually see in science fiction movies. Artificial intelligence often takes the form of computers, devices, and even intangible objects.

Kecerdasan Artificial

AI technology is designed to provide faster and more efficient problem solving and insights. Moreover, AI is expected to be able to perform human tasks easily and deliver maximum results.

Teknologi Ai (artificial Intelligence) Pada Industri Sepeda

Artificial intelligence has actually been known for a long time, but it only started to develop in the middle of the 20th century. In 1956, computer scientist John McCarthy defined artificial intelligence as the actions that humans take to create the functions and functions of technology. They act like people.

McCarthy played an important role in the history of the development of artificial intelligence as we know it today. He created a high-level programming language called LISP.

LISP itself is now used in most AI-based technologies. In the 60s and 70s, the development of AI slowed down, and in the 1980s it started to develop again. The R1 was named after Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), which invented the system as a tool for performing system configuration on new computers.

In 1988, R1 released 40 systems and saved the company up to $40 million annually in operating costs.

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Two important things that cannot be separated from the development of artificial intelligence are big data and computing power. A machine needs massive amounts of data to think and act like a human.

Simply put, the data used in AI technology can be divided into two, namely image data (visual) and non-image data (language text or numbers). Artificial intelligence, which can be built with visual data, is used to naturally analyze and recognize objects in photos and videos, similar to what the human eye does when seeing and recognizing objects.

Artificial intelligence built with non-visual data can be used to respond to conversations known as chat/voice/speech bots. Its role is to predict future events in the human mind by analyzing situations from past to present.

Additionally, existing computing devices can be programmed to examine the data. Therefore, the more data provided, the “smarter” the device or computer becomes.

Apa Kelebihan Dari Kecerdasan Buatan Atau Ai?

The very rapid growth of artificial intelligence is also supported by the digital age and our entry into the Internet of Things (IoT), which allows all data to be quickly digitized and downloaded, even in real time, from anywhere. also

However, it is important to note that to ensure optimal AI performance, smooth AI operations require stable and reliable bandwidth. The best dedicated internet solutions from Link Net can help you make this happen.

The development of artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly as there are more internet users. In the second quarter of 2020, 196.7 million or more than 70% of Indonesia’s population was reported to have access to the Internet, fueling the growth of AI data.

Processing an unusually large or large amount of data requires sufficient capacity or computing power. Cloud computing technology, or the evolution of cloud computing, makes artificial intelligence less expensive or difficult to obtain.

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In Indonesia itself, many start-ups or startups have used artificial intelligence to support their business operations. This is, of course, due to the increasing availability and availability of supporting aspects needed to integrate artificial intelligence into business operations. It is no longer only available to developed countries or large corporations.

AI technology, which is developing very quickly, is not always distinguished in a positive way, in fact. Increasingly popular artificial intelligence is starting to raise concerns that it will replace human roles and functions in various aspects of work. Because AI has proven its ability to improve productivity, efficiency and accuracy in almost every industry.

Entrepreneurs realized this opportunity and started using it to grow their business. Companies using AI technology have been proven to gain competitive advantage by reducing operational costs as well as human resources.

But remember, AI is not designed and developed to replace a complete human role or function. It is true that some types of human tasks can be taken over by AI systems, but this is really an opportunity to allocate human resources to more valuable areas of work rather than repetitive and clerical tasks.

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Link Net offers technological products based on artificial intelligence systems, which can be used not only for business development, but also as a solution to solve the challenges of changing behavior and modern human habits.

When circumstances force many of us to live in different places and away from each other, First Kalazadir is a platform capable of facilitating all the e-learning needs of both institutions (schools). . Making the learning process more effective and efficient.

In addition, the thermal screening service offered by us uses AI technology to measure body temperature accurately, in real-time and in accordance with the most mandatory health protocols to make the location of activities safer and more convenient.

You can enjoy all these AI based services with stable internet connection from Link Net. From the best suited dedicated internet access to Metro Ethernet for business/offices, Lies Line services are the best choice for those expanding your business in big cities, a permanent connectivity solution if your business needs it. Running from two or more locations simultaneously. Separate and distant.

Artificial Intelligence (ai) Untuk Mendukung Pembelajaran

1 Satellite Internet, seamless networks for marine and offshore energy and… • December 29, 2021 More or less, you must have heard the term Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, how deeply do you understand it? Is our understanding of artificial intelligence correct so far?

In this article, I encourage you to understand what artificial intelligence is, types of artificial intelligence and how important artificial intelligence is in life.

Additionally, there are examples of using AI in everyday life that you might not be aware of. Come and get a deeper understanding of artificial intelligence.

The original idea of ​​artificial intelligence arose from the humble ideas of Alan Turing in the 1950s. “What if computers had intelligence?”

Kecerdasan Buatan Atau Artificial Intelligence

Armed with this, the idea of ​​a computer with human intelligence is growing and attracting a lot of attention. Advances in technology and the increased flow of data in the 21st century have also accelerated the development of artificial intelligence.

AI has a fairly broad definition. According to McKinsey, “An Executive’s Guide to AI” AI is the ability of a machine to perform human cognitive functions such as thinking, processing information and solving problems.

Thanks to these capabilities, AI has the ability to think and act rationally, create strategies and make decisions based on complex data.

As we know, we are now living in the era of “big data”. Millions, even billions, of data are available and can be used for a variety of application methods.

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Unfortunately, the availability of so much data cannot be efficiently processed by humans with limitations and potential for irrationality and bias.

This is where artificial intelligence comes in handy. Artificial intelligence has the ability to rapidly process large amounts of data, then extract and learn patterns from that data, and then make inferences or predictions with high accuracy.

Because of this opportunity, many business sectors are using artificial intelligence to improve company efficiency. In addition, the fields of application of artificial intelligence are also wide, so the possibilities of its use will continue to increase in the future.

Not only this, the development of artificial intelligence will create many new jobs. In fact, AI has the potential to create 97 million jobs by 2025, according to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs 2020 report.

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Not to mention AI-enabled products such as self-driving cars or IoT (Internet of Things) enabled home appliances.

So in conclusion, the role of artificial intelligence is very important not only in the corporate sector but also in the private sector. Moreover, artificial intelligence will continue to evolve along with technological developments.

Depending on the skill level, AI is divided into three types, namely weak AI, strong AI and super intelligence. How are the three different?

Weak AI, or artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), is the type of AI with the most limited functionality, but the most widely used.

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For example, artificial intelligence that helps in the search process on Google or artificial intelligence that supports the facial recognition process in gadgets.

Unlike weak artificial intelligence, applications of strong artificial intelligence or artificial general intelligence (AGI) exist only in theory. This is because Strong AI is an AI that can mimic and behave like humans.

A superintelligence is a robot often seen in science fiction films. These AIs have higher intelligence than humans, as well as the ability to have their own emotions, hobbies, desires and beliefs.

This type of AI only responds to an event and can only take limited actions. Reactive AI machines do not have the ability to learn past memory, so their nature is limited by the relationship between action and reaction.

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Limited AI memory types have higher skills than reactive AI machines. This type of AI is able to store and learn past memories and manipulate them to produce certain results.

Like superintelligence, artificial intelligence has similarities to humans within the theory of mind. This type of AI is still capable of detecting and responding to human emotions, albeit in a limited way.

This type of AI is still under development. However, the humanoid robot Sophia is an example of the closest application of the theory of mind to artificial intelligence.

This type of artificial intelligence has the same consciousness as humans. Self-aware artificial intelligence species understand the concept of self-existence and have the ability to respond to directly or indirectly expressed human emotions.

Sindografis: Asisten Ai, Artificial Intelligence Pertama Dari Indonesia

The use of artificial intelligence has been widely developed, not only within the scope of large companies. In fact, you use it every day.

Generally, online motorcycle taxi platforms use artificial intelligence to make their services optimized and convenient for both drivers and passengers.

Some examples are the identification of the nearest pick-up point by the driver

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