Kecerdasan Alami Artificial Intelligence

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Wednesday, 24 May 2023 17:16 0 171 setiawan

Kecerdasan Alami Artificial Intelligence – Artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that allows machines (computers) to perform tasks similar to those performed by humans. Artificial intelligence can be viewed from different perspectives: Intelligence Perspective: Machines will be ‘sisters’. Research Perspective: Learns how computers work and how people make them. Business tracking: a powerful and methodical set of tools for solving business problems. Programming Interpretations: A Study of Problem Solving and Exploration.

This program has 2 main parts with a knowledge base containing facts, theories, ideas and connections. Motor Discovery: The ability to make inferences based on experience.

Kecerdasan Alami Artificial Intelligence

In the 1950s, Alan Turing proposed an experiment to see if a machine could answer a set of questions (it could be called an intelligent machine). The term “artificial intelligence” was proposed by John McCarthy (MIT) at the Dartmouth conference. The AI ​​conference decided to identify and model human thought processes and design machines that can mimic human behavior. A few times artificial intelligence programs: – logical theorist, to prove mathematical theorems – Sad Sam (Robert K. Lindsay, 1960), a program that recognizes simple English sentences and responses heard in conversation. -Eliza (Joseph Weizenbaum, 1967), responds to patient care programs.

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The goals of artificial intelligence include: 1. Expert systems (expert systems) have the ability to solve problems by imitating the knowledge of experts. 2. Expected Natural Language Processing Users are expected to be able to communicate with computers using common language. 3. Recognition is expected to be able to communicate with computers using the human voice.

4. Robotics and Sensory Systems (Robotics and Sensory Systems) 5. Computer Vision Interpreting images or visual objects through a computer 6. Computer Assisted Instruction Computers act as tutors who train and teach. Playing the game 7.

Developed in 1972 by Alain Colmenraer and P. Roussel in Marseille, France. Prolog is popular in Europe for artificial intelligence programs, and American researchers are developing a similar program, LISP.

The program uses the method of drawing conclusions from expert data. Examples of disease diagnosis. Natural Language Programming (NLP) software programs have been created to enable users, such as translators, to communicate with computers in common human language. Prolog is used by robotics to process input from sensors and what actions to perform.

Kecerdasan Buatan (artificial Intelligence)

It is widely used in image processing, where a computer distinguishes one object from another. Programs to learn from mistakes made, things observed or asked.

Facts and Relationships Prologue in a collection of facts. Objects are divided into two categories: they show relationships. Property, nature. The text ends with “”. Example: Before the actions of Amin’s father Salamat (Salamat, Amin). Anita is a woman (Anita). Anga likes swimming and tennis (Anga, swimming). and as (Anga, tennis). Orange Orange (orange).

Rules (“Rules”) Rules are ultimately descriptions of how facts relate to each other. A rule is defined as a conditional sentence. The word “if” refers to conditional statements such as in Prologues or “:-“. Each rule consists of a conclusion and a body. Element 1 or more may contain statements or subgoals and other rules called associated logic. Therefore, laws are conditional “if the body is true, the head is true.”

A predicate is the symbolic name of a relation. Example: pater (slamet, amen) The real predicate is written: pater (sign, symbol). Ayah is a predicate name, and Salamet and Amin are arguments. A predicate can have zero or an arbitrary number of arguments. The number of arguments of the predicate is called arity. Example: father (name) …….. Value 1 is father (name1, name2) ……..

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A variable is a variable whose value can change. Procedure for writing variables: variable names must start with a letter car or underscore (_), variable names consist of letters, numbers or symbols, the maximum length is 250 characters. Different names should have meaning relative to the data they represent.

For the image above, functions in Visual Prolog include New File, Open File, Save, Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Compile, Create Project, Edit, Break, Stop, Trace, Step Through, Run . Rule, get out.

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