Contoh Ai Kecerdasan Buatan

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Friday, 2 Jun 2023 11:17 0 130 setiawan

Contoh Ai Kecerdasan Buatan – Artificial intelligence technology has permeated all areas of life. An example of AI in use can be seen in 8 AIs That Will Change the Future of Smart Education.

Artificial intelligence is gradually entering our lives and is used in various fields. It has not only brought great economic benefits to many industries, but also brought many changes and conveniences to our lives. Also read the contribution of artificial intelligence (AI) in real life.

Contoh Ai Kecerdasan Buatan

A driverless car is a type of intelligent vehicle, also known as a wheeled robot, based on an intelligent driving controller that is primarily based on an in-car computer system. Technologies related to unmanned driving include computer vision, automatic control technology, etc.

Kecerdasan Buatan Atau Artificial Intelligence

Developed countries such as the United States, Britain, and Germany have invested in driverless car research since the 1970s, while China has also started driverless car research since the 1980s.

In 2005, an unmanned vehicle named Stanley drove around a wild terrain track in the Mojave Desert in the United States at an average speed of 40 km/h. It took him 6 hours, 53 minutes and 58 seconds to cover a distance of about 282 kilometers. .

Stanley was converted from a Volkswagen Touareg. Completed by the Volkswagen Technical Research Department, the Volkswagen Group and the Electronics Research Laboratory at Stanford University. The exterior is equipped with a camera, radar and laser range finder. There is another device that senses environmental conditions and an automatic driving control system is built in to handle functions such as command, navigation, braking and acceleration.

In 2006, Carnegie Mellon University developed a self-driving car that could safely navigate roads, including a nearby air base, obeying traffic rules and avoiding other vehicles and pedestrians.

Contoh Artificial Intelligence Dalam Kehidupan Sehari Hari

In recent years, with the rise of artificial intelligence waves, autonomous driving has become a hot topic, and many companies at home and abroad have invested in autonomous driving and self-driving research.

For example, Google X Google Lab is actively developing the Google driverless car, Baidu also launched the “Baidu Driverless Car” research and development project, and the self-developed Apollo self-driving car was also presented at the 2018 CCTV Spring Festival Gala . – featured in the contest. .

However, in the last couple of years, it has become clear that the complexity of autonomous driving is much greater than we thought a few years ago, and there is still a long way to go before it can actually be commercialized.

Facial recognition, also known as portrait recognition and facial recognition, is a biometric technology that identifies people based on information about their facial features. The technologies involved in facial recognition mainly include computer vision, image processing, etc. included.

Belajar Kecerdasan Buatan (ai): Pengertian Dan Cara Kerja

Research on face recognition systems began in the 1960s. Then, with the development of computer technology and visual imaging technology, the level of face recognition technology was continuously improved in the 1980s.

In the late 1990s, facial recognition technology entered the mainstream. Currently, facial recognition technology is used in finance, justice, public security, border inspection, aerospace, electricity, education, medical care, etc. widely used in industries.

There is an interesting use of facial recognition technology: Jackie Cheung earned the title “Nemesis Fugitive” because the police repeatedly used facial recognition technology to catch fugitives at his concerts.

On April 7, 2018, a fan in the stands was arrested by police after the start of Jackie Chong’s concert in Nanchang. In fact, he was a fugitive and the security guards locked him in the stands using a facial recognition system.

Apa Itu Kecerdasan Buatan Bagaimana Ai Bekerja?

On May 20, 2018, at Jackie Cheung’s Jiaxing concert, suspected criminal Yu Ha was identified by face when he passed through the security gate of the fugitive identification system and was later arrested by the police. As facial recognition technology matures and social recognition improves, it will be used in more fields and bring more changes to people’s lives.

Machine translation, a branch of computational linguistics, is the process of translating one natural language into another using computers. The technology used in machine translation is mainly Neural Machine Translation (NMT), which currently outperforms humans in many languages.

With the pace of economic globalization and the rapid development of the Internet, the importance of machine translation technology in promoting political, economic and cultural exchanges has become special, bringing many conveniences to people’s lives.

For example, when we read English literature, we can easily translate English into another language using a translator and websites like Google Translate, which saves the hassle of looking up a dictionary and improves reading and work performance.

Limitasi Dari Kecerdasan Buatan (artificial Intelligence)

There are many types of biometric identification. Currently, in addition to face recognition, speech recognition is also increasingly used. Voiceprint recognition is a biometric authentication technology, also known as speaker recognition, including speaker recognition and speaker verification.

The voice track recognition workflow is a system that collects the speaker’s voice track information and writes it to a database. When the speaker speaks again, the system collects this voice track information and automatically compares it with the voice track information in the database to identify the speaker.

Compared to traditional authentication methods (such as keys and certificates), voiceprint authentication includes anti-forget authentication and remote authentication. According to the current technical means of algorithm optimization and random password, voice recording can effectively prevent writing, anti-composition, so high security, fast response and accurate detection.

Compared to biometric recognition technologies such as face recognition and iris recognition, speech recognition technology uses telephone lines, network lines, etc. It has the ability to collect the user’s voiceprint characteristics. Thus, it has a great advantage in remote authentication. .

Apa Itu Artificial Intelligence? Pengertian Dan Contoh 2023

At present, voice recognition technology has many applications, such as voice print main body, voice print key and blacklist voice print database, which can be widely used in finance, security, smart home and other industries, including rich landing scenarios.

An intelligent customer service bot is an example of artificial intelligence that uses machines to mimic human behavior. The robot can recognize speech, understand natural semantics, and have professional reasoning and verbal response capabilities.

When a user visits a website and sends a chat, the customer service bot quickly analyzes the user’s intent and responds to the user’s actual needs according to the visitor’s address, IP address and access point received by the system.

Intelligent customer service bots have a large industry knowledge base that provides standardized answers to everyday questions that users ask, increasing the accuracy of responses.

Artificial Intelligence (ai) Untuk Mendukung Pembelajaran

Intelligent customer service bots are widely used in business service and marketing situations to solve problems and provide decision support to customers. Intelligent customer service bots can provide personalized training with rich communication content during the response process. Therefore, the ability to answer becomes more and more accurate.

With the vertical development of intelligent customer service bots, these bots are able to solve deep problems in many business segmentation scenarios. For example, pre-sale consulting challenges faced by e-commerce companies For most e-commerce companies, the pre-sale questions that users ask usually revolve around topics such as pricing, discounts and supply channels.

The service repeats the same questions every day, making it impossible to provide timely service to groups of customers with more complex problems.

A smart customer service bot can answer all simple and recurring user questions and provide users with 24/7 advice, answering and troubleshooting services. Its widespread use also significantly reduces customer service costs for companies.

Jenis Kecerdasan Buatan (ai)

An intelligent typing robot is a unique application of artificial intelligence in speech recognition. The bot can automatically trigger outbound calls and proactively present products to groups of users in the form of a synthetic natural human voice.

During an outbound call, it can use speech recognition and natural language processing technology to learn the customer’s intent and then use the target words to conduct multiple rounds of interactive communication with the user. Outgoing call completed successfully.

Since the beginning of 2018, smart outgoing call bots have improved a lot. This robot can automatically respond, categorize, record and monitor interactions without emotional fluctuations during the interaction process. Helping companies handle many complex, repetitive and time-consuming tasks.

Thus, uptime frees up manpower, reduces labor and repetitive labor costs, allows workers to focus on target customer groups, thereby creating higher business value. Of course, there is another side to smart checkout robots that often annoys users.

Mengenal Teknologi Artificial Intelligence Atau Ai Yang Disebut Sebut Bisa Gantikan Pekerjaan Manusia

Smart speakers are examples of electronic product applications and carriers of artificial intelligence technologies such as speech recognition and natural language processing. With the rapid development of smart speakers, they are considered the gateway to the future of the smart home.

In short, a smart speaker is a voice-enabled machine that can complete a chat session. Through direct communication with it, residential customers can make self-service music orders, control home appliances and create lifestyle services.

Prerequisites supporting intelligent speaker interactions include automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology that converts human voice to text and natural language processing (NLP) technology that analyzes parts of speech, syntax and semantics of text. ) and text-to-speech (TTS) technology that converts text into a natural speech stream.

Thanks to artificial intelligence technology, smart speakers are gradually creating more applications in the home environment with natural voice interactions.

Vision Intelligence, Teknologi Kecerdasan Buatan Karya Anak Bangsa

Personalized Recommendations is an artificial intelligence application based on collaborative clustering and filtering technology. It is based on data mining. Build a recommendation model by analyzing historical user behavior and proactively providing insights based on user needs and interests. Product recommendations, news recommendations, etc.

Personalized recommendations not only help users quickly find the product they need, weaken users’ passive consumption mentality, increase user interest and retention, but also help businesses quickly reduce traffic, identify user groups and locations and do a better job marketing products.

Recommendation system

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