Amazon Concole

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Thursday, 15 Jun 2023 09:17 0 157 setiawan

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Amazon Concole

Amazon Concole

If you’re reading this blog, there’s a good chance you use the Management Console a lot. I have taught courses for several years. During class, students got their first experience with the cloud on a console, and I’m sure you did too.

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Until now, the main page of the console displayed your most recently used services, as well as a series of static links divided into sections: for example, “Get Started” with links to training courses. “Build a solution” or “Search”. “However, what we learned from our data is that usage varies greatly by profile. They also said that it is difficult and time-consuming to navigate to different areas of the console to view important information.

We’ve heard your feedback and would like to announce the redesigned Administration Console home page. This new home page experience includes dynamic content, is customizable, and includes information from multiple fields.

The new Console Home has tools. I can choose which widget to display on the page and where to place it. I can use actions in the Actions dropdown menu to customize my home page.

I can drag and drop the widgets on the home page to organize the content the way I want. I can remove or resize the widget by clicking the three little dots on the widget’s title bar. You can choose between a normal view and an advanced view.

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At launch, the console offers eight widgets, and we’ll be adding more over time. All three tools provide static links for building solutions or learning. the remaining five are dynamic; Their content depends on the use of my applications and infrastructure:

As always, it is important not to disrupt existing processes and practices. Once you’ve signed in, you’ll be able to access your new console home. You can return to the old console home page with a simple click.

This new Console Home is the first step in bringing more important content to the first page you see every day. stay tuned for more details

Amazon Concole

The new Console Home is now available in all regions at no additional cost. Customize your console homepage today. The management console is a web application that contains an integrated set of service consoles for resource management. The first time you log in, the Console home page is displayed. The home page provides access to each service console and provides a central location to access the information needed to perform related tasks. You can also customize the console home page by adding, removing, and resetting widgets. B. Last Seen, Health, Trusted Advisor, etc.

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Personal service consoles, on the other hand, provide various tools for cloud computing, your account and payment information.

[**] Accounts created within the last 24 hours may not yet have access to the services required for this guide.

After you create a new account and log in, the console dashboard will appear. It is the starting point for interacting with various services and other important console components. The dashboard consists of a navigation bar at the top and several tools in the body of the page that you can customize and organize. Creates more widgets so you can further customize your console experience.

We’ll start by looking at the top navigation bar. In the image to the right, we’ve highlighted five controls in the navigation bar:

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The first menu item contains information and links to your account. This displays the account number and user currently logged into the console, as well as links to the following pages:

The second highlighted menu shows the currently selected region. The global infrastructure is divided into regions, and each service resides in a region unless it is a global service such as IAM or Amazon Route 53. The menu shows the currently selected region or “Global” if you have a global service selected. Contains a text field group. B “Eastern US”; Field Name B “Northern Virginia”; and the locale string used by the CLI, SDK, and other services, e.g. Like “us-east-1”.

Clicking on the currently selected region will create a drop-down menu with available regions. You can move the console to another region by clicking on a region in the list.

Amazon Concole

The third highlighted menu is the Service option. You can use this to navigate between services grouped into top-level categories. B. Compute including Amazon EC2, as well as other services such as Elastic Beanstalk and Amazon Lightsail. It’s a great way to explore different services by category, especially if you’re new.

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You can also mark services as favorites by selecting the star next to their name to pin them to the navigation bar. This can be done anywhere you see the star, including the search box.

The fourth item checked is the search box. When you type text in the field, the built-in search engine looks for the text you typed in different places. The return of the games will be in eight stages:

Search is a quick way to find and direct you to the services and resources you’re looking for. If the search engine cannot find a match in one of these sections, the section will not be listed. You can add services to the navigation bar by selecting a star to add to your favorites.

The fifth highlighted item is the CloudShell icon. Selecting this icon opens a browser-based shell environment that is pre-authenticated with your console credentials. Use it to run CLI commands or scripts with the CDK from your browser. If you add files to CloudShell (with a limit of up to 1 GB), the files persist between sessions.

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CloudShell is a useful tool for securely communicating with your account and is region-specific, so all files you upload are region-specific. The currently selected field is displayed in orange at the top of the terminal.

The dashboard also includes several tools to help you get started. We’re discussing some weird looking tools. However, you can add more by dragging and resizing these or using the Actions drop-down menu. All three tools provide static links to learn how to build or find solutions (Welcome, Build and Learn Solutions). The other five provide important information on dynamics and services, costs and usage, and best practices:

In this guide, you learned about the different parts of the Management Console dashboard and how to use the dashboard to navigate to services, account and billing information. Search for services, features, articles and guides; and view the billing panel.

Amazon Concole

It helps improve our feedback experience. If you would like to provide more information about feedback, please click the “Feedback” button below.

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Learn more about Amplified. For more information about Amplify, visit the Amplify Documentation Center. next “

Download the tools, join the community. Visit the Development Center to find documentation and tools, get the latest news, and connect with the developer community. next “

Find easier lessons. Find easier tutorials to learn how to connect to computing power, memory, or a database. next “

Support for Internet Explorer ends 07/31/2022. Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari. Read More » According to Game Informer’s rumor, we have it too. Game Informer says we’ll see the device later this year, perhaps around the holiday season, and it will have its own controller and access to digital games sold online by

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We’ve heard from a reliable source that Amazon’s flagship device could be powered by a Qualcomm MPQ chip. This is the Snapdragon series of processors that the chip maker is developing specifically for smart TVs and set-top boxes. As reported by The Wall Street Journal, games may be a part of this new device, with previous rumors that Amazon is working on a high-end device.

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