Amazon Audio Books

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Friday, 30 Jun 2023 09:17 0 156 setiawan

Amazon Audio Books – According to the Audio Publishers Association, 46 percent of American adults listen to audiobooks. Every year the number increases rapidly.

You should produce an audiobook version to reach the widest possible audience. Maybe you want to sell your audiobook on Amazon.

Amazon Audio Books

Amazon Audio Books

Love them or hate them, Amazon is the undisputed leader in audiobook sales. In 2018, Amazon accounted for 41 percent of audiobook sales in the United States. That leaves 59% of the market for all other vendors, including Apple, Google, and Kobo.

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Authors interested in capturing their share of the Amazon audiobook market have several ways to get their books on the platform.

Below I explain how you can sell books directly on Amazon through ACX, Amazon’s audiobook distribution service. I discuss with other sellers how to get your book listed on Amazon and why it’s a good choice for many authors.

The most common way to get your book on Amazon is to use the Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX). Amazon has Audible with ACX.

If you are familiar with eBook publishing, ACX works like Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). It is “a natural marketplace where authors, literary agents, publishers and other rights holders can connect with editors, engineers, recording studios and other producers who can produce a finished audiobook.”

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But for many authors, the most important thing about ACX isn’t audiobook production. It is part of ACX as an audiobook seller. Distribution of a book via ACX is available on Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

Some authors are satisfied with 3 distribution channels. But some authors want to distribute their books on other sites like Google, Kobo, Overdrive or

If you’re in the second category, you don’t have to go through ACX to sell your book on Amazon. You can also subscribe to other audiobook sellers for wider access.

Amazon Audio Books

Many audiobook publishers act as a one-stop shop for audiobook creators. With one service, you can sell your book on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes. Some publishers, such as Scribe’s favorite retailer, Author Republic, have access to more than 50 different stores.

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Some popular audiobook publishers include Findaway Voices, Lantern Audiobooks, PublishDrive, and Soundwise. See this post for more information on each of these vendors.

Please note that ACX is only available to residents of the US, UK, Canada and Ireland who have a valid email address, tax number and bank details for one of those countries.

If you already have an Amazon account, you can use your existing credentials to log in. Otherwise, you must create a new account.

You need all 3 to fully publish your book. But now select “Launch My Audiobook”.

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You will be taken to a page where you can search the Amazon catalog for your existing books.

Keep in mind that to search for a book on ACX, it must already be available on Amazon as a print book or eBook. If your book isn’t listed, check out this post to learn how to add it.

If you are not automatically redirected to the search page, click “Add your title” in the top right corner of the ACX website.

Amazon Audio Books

I’ll talk more about the output options within ACX below, but this step-by-step guide assumes you already have audio files that meet Amazon’s audio standards.

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First, choose where you have the rights to publish and distribute your audiobook. If you’re a self-published author, you own all the rights to your book, so you can choose “world.”

If you choose exclusive distribution through ACX, you cannot distribute your book through other agencies. You get higher royalty rates (40 percent versus 25 percent for non-distributors) as an optional benefit.

I strongly recommend reading the agreement before clicking “Accept”. There are terms that are tricky to follow, especially discretionary ACX terms.

You will be asked to “describe your book for your Audible sales page”. Your Amazon book’s page description may already be in this box. If so, check it out to see if there are any changes you’d like to make.

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If there is no text, you’ll need to add a description of your book, as seen on the back cover of your book. The maximum character limit is 2,000.

ACX requests copyright information for your book. If you self-publish, you own the copyright for the print and audio versions of your book. Enter the copyright year – the year you publish the work.

Is it exercise? Health and fitness? A memory? There is a general option for non-fiction books if you don’t see a certain category that fits your book.

Amazon Audio Books

Under ‘Audiobook details’, include your publisher and publisher names. If you’re a freelance writer and haven’t chosen a publisher yet, you can create your own or use your own publisher.

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ACX requires authors to upload audio files of their chapter book chapters. Pop-ups remind you to use correct capitalization and consistent chapter naming conventions.

Otherwise, you can enter your chapter names in the text box provided. Use a new line for each chapter.

On the left, you’ll see a gray square that says “Add album cover.” Click on it and select your cover image and its location on your computer.

ACX accepts JPG, PNG or TIF files with a minimum size of 2400 x 2400 pixels. There can be no horizontal or vertical image borders and the image must contain the title of the audiobook.

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Once you’ve added your book cover, scroll down. Double-check your chapter headings and make sure they are organized correctly.

You upload a separate audio file for each chapter of your book. To do this, click “Browse” and select the appropriate audio file for each chapter.

If ACX Audio Analysis finds parts of your audio that do not meet the requirements, you will see a red message: “Problems detected with audio input. See the Audio Analysis tab.

Amazon Audio Books

Click the “Audio Analysis Tab” link. It will tell you the specific problem you need to solve (volume, length, etc.).

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Please note that you must have audio files for the opening credits, closing credits and audio clips in the store. If you need help figuring out what to include in these files, refer to the ACX guidelines.

A pop-up will tell you “You are ready to submit your audiobook for review” and ask you to confirm one last time:

Your article is now being submitted, awaiting audio review. This review can take up to 30 business days, after which your book will be available for sale. If ACX finds any issues with your submission, it will contact you with resubmission instructions.

Hover over your name at the top of the page and select “Account Settings” when the menu comes down.

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Your account should now be fully set up. When your book is accepted, you can get started.

The truth is that freelance writers have many options for turning their book into an audiobook – everything from a completely DIY approach to a custom service like Author Audiobooks.

Before making a decision, I recommend that you read this post that explains the pros and cons of different audiobook production methods.

Amazon Audio Books

ACX falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. They give indie writers a chance to interact with producers and professional writers, but you don’t get a white glove along the way.

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You reserve 1-2 pages of your book to serve as screen text for potential voice actors. Developers interested in your project can audition, or you can be more proactive by inviting interested developers.

Your chosen producer will submit a 15-minute sample for your review, and once approved, they will write the entire book. You can ask the producer to make up to 2 corrections to the finished audiobook.

Once you’ve accepted the book, you pay your publisher (if you’ve agreed to an initial deal), and ACX will distribute the book through Amazon, Audible, and iTunes.

The ACX service might be a better choice for budding audiobook creators than having to do everything yourself. If you don’t have enough recording equipment and experience, it will be difficult to make a professional audiobook.

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But ACX also has limitations. You may end up with an inexperienced developer or reviewer, or you may run into technical difficulties, such as developers unwilling or unable to accept major changes, meeting deadlines, or maintaining high standards.

You have the right to terminate ACX matches and restart your search, but this may take some time. With a custom service like Script Audiobooks, you can rest assured that the people working on your audiobook have been vetted. And when problems arise, they solve them.

Initially, authors who distributed through ACX had no control over the price of their book. Most other platforms allow authors to set their own prices, but ACX generally sets the selling price based on the length of the book.

Amazon Audio Books

If you plan to use your book for promotional purposes, please note that authors cannot offer free books through ACX. All audiobook prices are at the discretion of Audible at all times.

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The difference between getting 40 percent and 25 percent of your book’s retail price can seem like a lot of money. Many writers think they can make a lot of money freelancing.

But honestly, it depends. as your size

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