Amazon’s Web Services

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Sunday, 25 Jun 2023 09:16 0 179 setiawan

Amazon’s Web Services – Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS) is a division of Amazon that provides pay-as-you-go cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, businesses, and governments. Most servers do this with autoscaling (a process that allows the server to use more computing power when there is high demand, and lower costs when the traffic is low). These cloud computing services provide a variety of services including networking, computing, storage, middleware, IoT and other processing capabilities and software through AWS server farms. This frees the client from managing, scaling and connecting hardware and operating systems. One of the most important services is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), which allows users to have a group of virtual servers of their choice that can be connected to the Internet via REST API, CLI or AWS. . comfort. AWS virtual machines mimic most of the features of real computers, including central processing units (CPUs) and graphics processing units (GPUs) for processing; internal memory/RAM; hard disk / SSD; choose an operating system; the internet; and prepackaged application software such as web servers, databases, and customer relationship management (CRM).

AWS services are delivered to customers through a network of AWS server farms around the world. Fees are based on usage (known as the “Pay As You Go” model), technology, operating system, software, or web features selected by the customer. availability, regression, security and maintenance options. Customers can pay for one AWS virtual machine, a physical computer dedicated to their organization.

Amazon’s Web Services

Amazon's Web Services

Amazon offers security options of the customer’s choice (for example, AWS operates from multiple locations around the world with a server in North America. Web Services Logo, Vector Logo Of Web Services Brand Free Download (eps, Ai, Png, Cdr) Formats

Amazon markets AWS as a way for customers to get computing power faster and cheaper than building an actual server farm.

All services are ranked by usage, but each service measures usage differently. According to Synergy Group, in the 4th quarter of 2021, AWS will occupy 33% of the cloud technology market, while the two leading competitors, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud, will have 21% and 10%.

Smartphones, development tools, RobOps and tools for the Internet of Things. The most popular are Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Connect and AWS Lambda (a serverless function that can run arbitrary scripts in any language that can generate hundreds of .evts output, including http calls ).

The service exposes functionality through an API for clitoris. These APIs are accessible via HTTP, using REST architecture and SOAP protocol for older APIs and standard JSON for newer ones. Clits can interact with these APIs in different ways, using the AWS console (website), using SDKs written in different languages ​​(such as Python, Java, and JavaScript), or by calling REST directly.

What Is Aws (amazon Web Services) ?

The genesis of AWS dates back to the early 2000s. After the creation of, Amazon’s e-commerce service platform that offers third-party sellers a way to build their own online stores, Amazon has accepted the service.

At the same time, Amazon complained about the speed of the program and tried to implement various proposals made by CEO Matt Rounds, including increasing the autonomy of the agricultural company. , introduction of REST, standardization. business, eliminating gatekeepers (bureaucracy) and sustainability. He called for more time for software developers to spend on other activities.

Amazon has created a “common IT platform” so that its companies, which spend 70% of their time on “hard unrelated tasks” such as IT and business problems, can track a customer facing a new job.

Amazon's Web Services

In addition, to create a variety of vehicles, especially during the holidays, by changing services to Linux hardware and relying on optical software, the Amazon Infrastructure team, led by Tom Killalea,

Amazon Webinar — Introducing Amazon Web Services (aws)

Jeff Barr, former AWS employee, credits Vermeul, Jassy, ​​Bezos, himself and others for changing minds to EC2, S3 and RDS;

It was the result of about a week of brainstorming with “the best technical minds and the best product management minds” about diversity-related web applications and housing that was too old to build, Jassy recalls.

Werner Vogels said that Amazon’s desire to “launch, launch, re-launch, re-launch, restart, delete, repeat” led them to rapidly destroy infrastructure with “two pizzas”.

According to Brewster Cale, the founder of Alexa Internet, which was acquired by Amazon in 1999, the computing system he started helped Amazon solve big data problems and understand the new AWS-powered.

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Jassi assembled a team of 57 employees from a group of companies and organizations to start these activities.

Later released as EC2, it was updated in which Chris Pinkham and Benjamin Black presented a paper detailing Amazon’s findings on creating a retail inventory system that is fully compliant, fully reliable, and dependent on online services for services such as storage and recovery. about ongoing internal affairs. Following their letter, they said they would be able to sell access to virtual services as a service, and the company is expected to receive payment from the new investment.

Then, Pinkham, Willem van Biljon and lead developer Christopher Brown built the Amazon EC2 service with their team in Cape Town, South Africa.

Amazon's Web Services

This section contains information about SimpleDB, MechanicalTurk, Elastic Block Store, Elastic Beanstalk, Relational Database Service, DynamoDB, CloudWatch, Simple Workflow, CloudFront, and Availability. Please enlarge the section to include this information. More details can be found on the talk page. (March 2021)

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Andy Jassy, ​​co-founder and vice president of AWS, said in 2006 that Amazon S3 “relieves developers from worrying about where to store their data.” Instead of looking for ways to store data, focus on expanding with data.

Later that year, one of AWS’s first adopters, SmugMug, claimed to save $400,000 in maintenance costs for S3.

According to Vogels, S3 was built with 8 microservices when it was released in 2006, but will have more than 300 microservices by 2022.

In September 2007, AWS announced a $100,000 prize contest for business owners and software developers who use AWS services such as S3 and EC2 to build their businesses.

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This season’s new AWS services include SimpleDB, Mechanical Turk, Elastic Block Store, Elastic Beanstalk, Relational Database Service, DynamoDB, CloudWatch, Simple Workflow, CloudFront, and Availability Zones.

Until 2012, AWS was considered part of, so its innovations were not explained in Amazon’s financial statements. That year, AWS was valued at $1.5 billion for the first time.

On November 27, 2012, AWS held its first annual conference, re:Invt, focusing on partners and the AWS ecosystem.

Amazon's Web Services

The three-day event was held in Las Vegas for easy access to destinations between the United States and the rest of the world.

What Is Aws? History & Current Services

At an event attended by nearly 6,000 attendees, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings announced plans to move 100% of Netflix systems to AWS on stage with Andy Jassy.

To support business training and skills development, AWS began offering a certification program for IT professionals on April 30, 2013 to demonstrate cloud computing skills. .

Later that year, in October, AWS launched the Activate program for startups around the world to use AWS credits, third-party partnerships, and free access to AWS experts to help build their company.

In 2014, AWS launched its partner network, the AWS Partner Network (APN), aimed at helping AWS-based businesses grow and improve their business success.

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In April 2015, reported that AWS was profitable, with $1.57 billion in sales and $265 million in revenue in the first quarter of the year. Founder Jeff Bezos described it as a fast-growing $5 billion business; Critics described it as “better than expected”.

In October, said in its third-quarter financial report that AWS had $521 million in revenue with an operating margin of 25 percent. . AWS reported Q3 2015 revenue of $2.1 billion, a 78% increase over Q3 2014 revenue of $1.17 billion.

AWS segment Q4 2015 revenue increased 69.5% year-over-year and 28.5% horizontally to $2.4 billion, giving AWS $9.6 billion. In 2015, Gartner estimated that AWS customers used 10 times more business on AWS than the next 14 providers combined.

Amazon's Web Services

Wrote a retrospective article in 2016 to present the annual history of online services from 2006 to 2016. As a former lover and supporter of the Internet. Amazon Web Services Amazon S3 Amazon Dynamodb Amazon Relational Database Service, Direct Connect, Text, Service Png

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