Kecerdasan Ai Adalah

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Thursday, 1 Jun 2023 00:16 0 116 setiawan

Kecerdasan Ai Adalah – More or less, you have probably heard the term artificial intelligence (AI). But how deep is your understanding? Do you understand AI properly yet?

In this article, I ask you to understand what AI is, types of AI and how much AI there is in the world.

Kecerdasan Ai Adalah

Also, there are examples of AI applications in everyday life, which you may not be aware of. Come and learn more about AI.

Artificial Intelligence (a.i) Kecerdasan Buatan Di Aplikasi Seluler

The first concept of artificial intelligence comes from the simple idea of ​​Alan Turing in the 1950s; “What if computers were intelligent?”

Because of this, the concept of computer and human-like intelligence will continue to grow and attract a lot of attention. In the 21st century, the development of technology and the increasing flow of information has accelerated the development of AI.

AI has a broad definition. According to McKinsey in The Executive Guide to AI, AI is a machine’s ability to perform human cognitive tasks such as reasoning, information processing, and problem solving.

With these capabilities, AI has the ability to think and act intelligently, strategize and make decisions based on complex data.

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As you know we are currently living in the era of “Big Data”. There are millions, even billions, of data available that you can use for a variety of applications

Unfortunately, the availability of large amounts of data is limited and prone to errors and biases and cannot be handled efficiently by individuals.

Here lies the advantage of artificial intelligence. AI can quickly process large amounts of data, then draw patterns from that data, learn from it, and then make decisions or predictions with great accuracy.

Because of this opportunity, some business units are using AI to improve company performance. Also, the areas of application of AI are also wide, so the potential for its use will continue to increase in the future.

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Not only this, the development of AI will bring many new jobs. In fact, according to the World Economic Forum’s “The Future of Jobs Report 2020,” AI could create 97 million jobs by 2025.

If you consider AI-based products, such as self-driving cars or home appliances with IoT (Internet of Things) functions.

So, ultimately, the role of AI is crucial not only in the corporate environment but also in the personal environment. Additionally, AI will continue to evolve with technological developments.

Based on the power level, AI is divided into three types, weak AI, strong AI and superintelligence. How are the three different?

Artificial Intelligence, Antara Manfaat Dan Ancaman

Weak AI or Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) is the most widely used type of AI and the least effective.

For example, AI that helps with the search process on Google or AI that supports the facial recognition process on devices.

Unlike weak AI, the use of strong AI or Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is only theoretical. This is due to the AI ​​capabilities that AI is able to imitate and act like humans.

A highly intelligent robot seen in science fiction movies. This AI has superhuman intelligence, including the ability to follow its own passions, hobbies, interests and beliefs.

Artificial Intelligence (kecerdasan Buatan), Apakah Itu ?

This type of AI only responds to one event and can only perform limited tasks. Reactive AI machines do not have the ability to learn from past memories, so their nature is limited to relationships between actions and reactions.

Low memory AI models are more powerful than AI responsive machines. This type of AI stores and learns past memories and processes them for specific results.

Like superintelligence, AI is theoretically human-like. Such AI can still detect human emotions and respond to them in a subtle way.

This type of AI is under development. However, the humanoid robot Sophia is an example of a recent application of AI cognitive theory.

Contoh Fungsi Ai (artificial Intelligence) Di Perusahaan

Such AI is as intelligent as humans. Self-aware AI types understand the concept of autonomy and have the ability to respond directly or indirectly to human emotions.

The use of AI is widespread, not just the domain of large companies. Of course, you use it every day.

In general, online motorcycle taxi platforms use AI to make their services efficient and convenient for drivers and passengers.

Some examples are the process of determining the location of the nearest pick-up from the driver and reducing the use of fake GPS applications that harm the company.

Pemerintah Kabupaten Mojokerto

Featured features are AI functions that “record” samples of videos, movies or music that users like and then recommend content from those samples.

In social media, AI is responsible for filtering the content and comments that appear on your home page. Basically, AI will identify the types of accounts and content you interact with most on social media.

Using AI in online video games can improve your gaming experience. AI may collect or collect data about the nature of your game to determine the level of difficulty, type of challenge, type of reward you expect.

Of course, how GPS works depends on how it works with AI. GPS compiles available travel route information and combines it with average travel time to create an optimal travel route.

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In addition, GPS can monitor the level of intoxication using sensors and data on the speed of drivers on the road. This way, you can time your journey accurately.

Nowadays, many mobile phones have facial recognition features, especially in the front camera, i.e. the selfie camera. By doing this, the camera can quickly adjust the focus level and give a “pretty” result or a unique addition.

Many e-commerce sites rely on AI to augment their capabilities. For example, service bots will improve, detect and prevent fraud.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is constantly evolving and its scope is endless. So there’s nothing wrong with learning about AI as early as possible.

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Humans have brains to think logically, learn from (past) experiences and solve problems. This human knowledge will be replaced by AI. This is why it is called ‘artificial intelligence’.

Artificial intelligence is used to perform a variety of advanced tasks, including visualization, understanding, providing evidence, data analysis, and interpreting spoken and written language.

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To this day, AI is still developing and is used in many disciplines such as computing, mathematics, economics and psychology.

YouTube recommends content based on user preferences. YouTube’s recommendation system collects search and browsing history to deliver content that people want to watch when they want to watch it

Artificial intelligence is important in the business world because it can automate tasks that are done manually. And while doing the same tasks over and over again, the robot will not get tired and bored like a human.

AI also has the ability to analyze data at a faster pace than humans. This system can quickly find patterns, analyze large data sets and draw conclusions from these patterns.

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If the settings are correct, it will not fail. AI uses pre-compiled algorithms and information to make decisions

Some operations are repetitive, for example, a bank checks documents when a customer applies for a loan. People may find this kind of work monotonous if done continuously for years.

Artificial intelligence can help companies automate these tasks, without delay and can be completed on schedule.

Certain occupations, such as blasting, coal mining, and deep-sea diving, pose significant risks to humans. This is one of the main advantages of using it

Manfaat Artificial Intellegence (ai) Dalam Industri Manufaktur

People make decisions based on situations both emotionally and logically. Artificial intelligence machines make decisions based on what they are ready to do. This AI will deliver results and work faster than humans.

A person’s working time is 8 hours per day. This working time does not include holidays, meals, holidays etc. People cannot sit and work for 24 hours. At the same time, artificial intelligence can work 24×7 without a single interruption.

Building machines that can mimic human intelligence is expensive. These costs include materials, production processes, maintenance and updating systems to meet specific requirements.

Automating everyday human tasks is easy. But people become unproductive and lazy. Dependence on the use of AI systems is creating new challenges for future generations.

Apa Kelebihan Dari Kecerdasan Buatan Atau Ai?

Machines cannot replace human relationships in workgroups. Humans have an emotional side to connect with other people. This bond is not the basis for group organization to achieve common goals.

It reduces human intervention in performing repetitive tasks. If artificial intelligence is good at doing human work, it will cause big problems in the world of work.

Google Maps is designed to recognize and recognize AI traffic. When a person taps a destination, artificial intelligence shows the user the fastest way to avoid traffic. Various routes are available to include all access routes for vehicles, motorcycles and pedestrians.

Harder. The system is designed to recognize the user’s facial patterns. They determine the shape of the nose, eyes, lips and mouth. The machine scans each land mark on the screen. If the graphic pattern does not match what is written, the phone will not be unlocked.

Pengertian, Tujuan Dan Perkembangan Artificial Intelligence

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